#nova #astonishing #holy
Holy Crystal Explosion, PZF
Holy Crystal Explosion, PZF
神圣系增益特效练习,动作资产来源于虚幻商城的 MagicalAnimSet,场景搭建所用资产也均为虚幻官方资产。非商用,仅为个人练习。 动作资产:https://marketplace-website-node-launcher-prod.ol.epicgames.com/ue/marketplace/zh-CN/product/magicalanimset Thanks for watching!
Holy Crystal Explosion, PZF
DingDang Game VFX-2, Feli
DingDang Game VFX-2, Feli
DingDangGame is a game design company in China which provides professional game design services including Character Animation, Unity/UE4 VFX, Motion Capture, and Transition Animation. DingDangGame will provide you with high-quality services and cost-effective products. If you are interested, then please contact me. Thank you.
DingDang Game VFX-2, Feli