#shield #water
VFX Storyboard for Apeiron , Jessie, Lee Lam
VFX Storyboard for Apeiron , Jessie, Lee Lam
一些我為Apeiron設計的技能, 還有更多因為未公開所以不能發出來, 我排版非常亂哈哈 Here are some skills I designed for Apeiron, and there are more that I can't share yet because they are not public. My layout is very messy haha
VFX Storyboard for Apeiron , Jessie, Lee Lam
DingDang Game VFX-2, Feli
DingDang Game VFX-2, Feli
DingDangGame is a game design company in China which provides professional game design services including Character Animation, Unity/UE4 VFX, Motion Capture, and Transition Animation. DingDangGame will provide you with high-quality services and cost-effective products. If you are interested, then please contact me. Thank you.
DingDang Game VFX-2, Feli
VFX Mizuchi Shield - Dragon's Rise, Darin Aranda
VFX Mizuchi Shield - Dragon's Rise, Darin Aranda
Hi ^__^ Here is the final result of my participation for the Arstation challenge in VFX Art (real-time) category. ___________________________________________________ Special thanks to Jeanluc Kol for having made this stunning concept that has brought out the best in me. ^^ I am also very grateful to all those peope who have helped with their feedback. _________________________________________ *Made in unreal engine 5. *All the meses were been made with houdini in order to have more control while I iterated. The only mesh that isn't made in this way is the dragon's head that I modeled in blender. *The textures made in substance designer and photoshop software. The complete breakdown you can find it in the challenge post. https://www.artstation.com/challenges/dragons-rise-the-forgotten-realms/categories/163/submissions/70502 _______ Concept by Jeanuc Kol https://www.artstation.com/jlkfx
VFX Mizuchi Shield - Dragon's Rise, Darin Aranda
Firefall - Water Shield FX
Firefall - Water Shield FX
Of course I made another water shield! Rendered in the Firefall engine. This is an older water shield I made in UDK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCWMQRqMs_Y
Firefall - Water Shield FX
Firefall - Water Shield FX
Firefall - Water Shield FX
Of course I made another water shield! Rendered in the Firefall engine. This is an older water shield I made in UDK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCWMQRqMs_Y
Firefall - Water Shield FX