一些我為Apeiron設計的技能, 還有更多因為未公開所以不能發出來, 我排版非常亂哈哈
Here are some skills I designed for Apeiron, and there are more that I can't share yet because they are not public. My layout is very messy haha
Several years ago, I had the opportunity to contribute to VFX explorations for project LAX. Unfortunately, it was cancelled. I'm sharing some FX research on the character Andromeda, who has the power to use light prisms to create anything she imagines.
Here's the first part of VFX work done during a school course at Artside under the supervision of Jeremy Vitry ! It was my first time doing VFX and I was really happy experiencing with it. Thanks a lot to Jeremy for his invaluable feedbacks !
VFX researches for "Emeth", a Tactical Game Project we made at school. The protagonist is supposed to be a trickster : sharp and violent, taking possession of his enemies to control them; while the guardian is supposed to be the opposite : slow but tanky. This way we can have 2 differents gameplay styles put together :)