Granblue Fantasy: Relink - PlayStation Showcase Trailer | PS5 & PS4 Games
Take another look at Cygames’ upcoming action RPG, Granblue Fantasy: Relink, through this brand-new trailer!#PlayStationShowcase #ps5 #ps5games#PS4 #PS4games...
Vefects - Stylized VFX - Unreal Engine - Demo
练习01, 这个人很懒
VFX Water Slash, Jasmin Wodarczyk
My goal was to add more power, (more "slicyness") sharp shapes and deeper colors.
The main inspiration for the effect was a water slash from Genshin Impact
(see image Genshin Imapct screenshot).
The effect was created with the Particle System Editor and Amplify Shader plugin in Unity.
3D model & animation:
Girl GreatSword AnimSet from wemakethegame
Fantasy Adventure Environment
Unity Toon Slash Effect By URP (Water&Fire)
#Unity #VFX #卡通渲染 #SlashUnity製作的火刀光與水刀光 效果挺不錯 特別分享一下 歌曲:Snow haltion
TKO on Twitter
仕事以外で作った手描きエフェクトをまとめました。2017年版のデモリールみたいなものです。 pic.twitter.com/eTmEI050q5— TKO (@SzTko) August 19, 2017
Best Student Portfolio
tearch: cokey 75201400@qq.com