#Water #snow #splash
The Last of Us Part 2, Some of FX Works, Wataru Ikeda
The Last of Us Part 2, Some of FX Works, Wataru Ikeda
Some of FX works on The Last of Us Part 2. There are including joint work and collaboration. Especially, --- About Snow Interaction (snow footprint deformation) --- Tech Artist -Steven Tang (deformation shader work), Environment Texture Artist - Joakim Stigsson (texturing of snow surface), Graphics Programmer - Artem Kovalovs (implementing FX system). Graphics Programmer - Vincent Marxen (Shader regarding depth writing for parallax mapping). Also Eben Cook, the lead FX Artist helped and gave great ideas to me. --- About Beach Wave (Curl Wave) --- It's collaboration work. The animation of the wave projections at foreshore, waves crashing against the rocks and nice wet sand representation were created by VFX Artist Quinn Kazamaki. My contribution is curl wave, splashes and foam ( and churn) related to curl wave. 
Also Eben Cook, the lead FX Artist helped to improve splash's looks. Quinn also delivered some waterfall assets for the creek and river! GPU FX system: Artem Kovalovs and Raymond Popka.
The Last of Us Part 2, Some of FX Works, Wataru Ikeda