Personal Animated Short 【Heat vs Repulsion】自主制作アニメ
Personal animated short "Heat vs Repulsion" by a 19-years-old Chinese student, nickname 光学核心(Optical-Core). Concept, animation, backgrounds, compositing all ...
Ryohashi on Twitter
draw effects and VFX practiceAlso serves as an upload test for gifs#procreate #aftereffects gif動画化するとどう見えるかのテスト兼ねてるのでなんか同じもの重複して申し訳ない。ラストの爆発部分が見えやすくなったし、画質のチープさが逆にいい味出してる。 pic.twitter.com/cplgFFGX6O— Ryohashi (@1992YAJIRyo) October 25, 2020
赤動 on Twitter
ビーム砲 #AfterEffects pic.twitter.com/ft1dUs46Yw— 赤動 (@sekido_mg) October 26, 2019
BAUDS - Captation
BAUDS is a student game, created during our last year of Bachelor Degree at LISAA Paris. It took 6 monts and a team of 5 to be done. I was in charge of leadi...
Zelda Breath of the Wild - VFX Fan Art, Gregory Silva
This is a series of studies I did from the game Zelda Breath of the Wild. I used Unity as the engine and shaderforge to do the shaders. All the textures, models, animations and shaders were made by me, although the mesh is not optimized, as it was never my intention to use it on a real game. You may find more gifs and screenshots of some work in progresses on my twitter: https://twitter.com/godsgreg I hope you like it!
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Riot Games Art Contest 2014 - Final FX