언리얼 이펙트 포트폴리오 Unreal Effect Portfolio
Game Effect / Unreal VFX 포트폴리오 5
Samurai(Dodge and Counter)
Samurai Skill,Dodge and counter.When the enemy hits the moment, the samurai can dodge, put his sword back into its sheath, and fight back.
刀光练习, Ross Smith
Unity VFX:天崩地裂, Vfx_haley
Sword Slash Combo, Jiro Alo
Slash Trail study using UE4 and Niagara.
Project Emeth : VFX Concepts, Gauthier Chaleyer
VFX researches for "Emeth", a Tactical Game Project we made at school. The protagonist is supposed to be a trickster : sharp and violent, taking possession of his enemies to control them; while the guardian is supposed to be the opposite : slow but tanky. This way we can have 2 differents gameplay styles put together :)
Nakatani auf Twitter: "僕のSword Effectの作り方 Distorionテクスチャをスクロールさせて剣のエフェクトを作ってます なぜ半分しか描画していないのにリングのmeshを使用しているかについては、厚みを変更すれば棍棒を使用した回転切りエフェクト制作などに応用できるからです #UE4 #UE4Study #madewithunreal #VFXFriday https://t.co/8yAGSboneg" / Twitter
僕のSword Effectの作り方
#UE4 #UE4Study #madewithunreal #VFXFriday https://t.co/8yAGSboneg