Gregory Oliveira on Twitter
Gregory Oliveira on Twitter
I did a cartoonish explosion inspired by the VFX from the new Smash Bros Ultimate. I guess I rly like making explosions :)Made with Unity, no flipbooks used.#VFX #Gamedev #Unity #Unity3D #MadeWithUnity #RealtimeVFX pic.twitter.com/Q38Kmx9cZe— Gregory Oliveira (@godsgreg) November 9, 2018
Gregory Oliveira on Twitter
ろうぼう on Twitter
ろうぼう on Twitter
unityでアニメ調爆発エフェクトゼルダBotwとかスマブラSPのエフェクトを目指した。 #Unity #realtimeVFX pic.twitter.com/zFYXYvT4aD— ろうぼう (@lou_bou35) January 18, 2019
ろうぼう on Twitter
Sarah Carmody— Warlock FX Updates (World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth)
Sarah Carmody— Warlock FX Updates (World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth)
SUPER excited to launch with these Warlock updates. Many updates to the base rotational spells across all specs, including a bonus suite of FX for the 'green fire' glyph, and added all kinds of new portals for your demon-summoning needs. All 3 specs share a chaotic, unruly, corrupted undertone, but each have a distinct signature look. The Warlock class spans a wide variety of gameplay styles, so these were a fun challenge to work on. There were a lot of different mechanics to convey, and many magic schools represented, and a lot of potentially problematic spell-stacking. For example, th...
Sarah Carmody— Warlock FX Updates (World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth)
Uncharted 4 Selects
Uncharted 4 Selects
Well 3 years working on a videogame produced a billion things. but this is my quickest narrowest cut i could find of some of the stuff i got the opportunity to work on for Uncharted. Weapons, cutscenes, explosions, character interaction.. Theres so much more but this was the best of the best. Definitely the hardest project of my professional career. That crunch was craaaaaaazy. But you know... im really happy with how things came out and thrilled to see so many people playing and enjoying the game. All the people at Naughty Dog push things so hard. What a group of people. Props to the res...
Uncharted 4 Selects
Just Cause 3 VFX (Explosion) Reel
Just Cause 3 VFX (Explosion) Reel
Here's a sampling of some of my work from Just Cause 3. Breakdowns below. Thanks to Omar and Than on the video capture. Breakdowns: Shot 1: Plane shot: 0:06....
Just Cause 3 VFX (Explosion) Reel
Zelda Breath of the Wild - VFX Fan Art, Gregory Silva
Zelda Breath of the Wild - VFX Fan Art, Gregory Silva
This is a series of studies I did from the game Zelda Breath of the Wild. I used Unity as the engine and shaderforge to do the shaders. All the textures, models, animations and shaders were made by me, although the mesh is not optimized, as it was never my intention to use it on a real game. You may find more gifs and screenshots of some work in progresses on my twitter: https://twitter.com/godsgreg I hope you like it!
Zelda Breath of the Wild - VFX Fan Art, Gregory Silva
VFX Reel 2014
VFX Reel 2014
Videogame VFX portfolio for work I made between 2006 to 2013. Featuring samples from inFAMOUS: Second Son, F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin, Condemned 2: Bloodshot, Gotham City Impostors, and Halo 4. Complete shot list and resume available upon request. (Soundtrack: "Kaz Hayashi '01" by Oxes)
VFX Reel 2014
StarCraft 2, Legacy of the Void - Campaign & Co-Op Visual Effects, Michael Chae
StarCraft 2, Legacy of the Void - Campaign & Co-Op Visual Effects, Michael Chae
Environment Effects made for StarCraft 2 : Legacy of the Void & Co-Op Credits for additional VFX artist: Allen Dilling These are some of my Visual Effects I have done for Legacy of the Void campaign mission and Co-Op. I always wanted to learn Visual Effect, and I was fortunate to learn under Allen Dilling. From simple destruction to crazy lazer beams and explosions, later I was in charge of many types of Visual Effects. Finally, I found myself working closely with campaign art team, and created many effects that we all wanted to have in campaign mission. Huge thanks to everyone in SC...
StarCraft 2, Legacy of the Void - Campaign & Co-Op Visual Effects, Michael Chae
Maeta on Twitter
Maeta on Twitter
CG爆発パート2#b3d #blender #aftereffects pic.twitter.com/s4MT8TpvXU— Maeta (@yuuuuuu531) February 25, 2018
Maeta on Twitter