Unity particle system - Small explosion
ice, thunder, fire, water.
Waven Spells VFX, Sylvain Guerrero
Some VFXs i have worked on, for the game Waven by Ankama. All made in Unity with Shuriken.
[2022] Dual Slinger Weapon VFX (M+R:SoH), Christiane La
I had the pleasure to work on Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope from the beginning and to make RnD.
Crafting VFX for Mario's weapon was really enjoyable!
I decided to go for a blue 'plasma' visual for the vanilla/basic version, as one of the keyword was "high-tech" and to match the color of the weapon.
What I did:
All VFX shown in the video "Gallery"
Some sources files (textures, meshes, shaders)
Setup for the VFX gallery
Some in-game integration
I was in charge of creating the first visuals of "Ooze", "Shock", "Water" elements in order to define the VFX art direction of those powers.
It's a VFX team effort so I would like to thank Jinni On, Mi Xin Wen, Emmanuel Oujoud.
MARIO + RABBIDS SPARKS OF HOPE © 2022 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Rabbids, Sparks of Hope, Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are registered or unregistered trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries. Nintendo properties are licensed to Ubisoft Entertainment by Nintendo. SUPER MARIO characters © Nintendo. Trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Nintendo Switch is a trademark of Nintendo.
Dragon Ball FighterZ - Supers without cinematic camera or HUD
EDIT - here are the few missing supers - https://youtu.be/EFl7CcyjsWo. _________________________________________________________________ This game is... beyo...
Study 3
Piao_3DEffect on Twitter
My practice by unity --2 pic.twitter.com/tQ42xOOQg9— Piao_3DEffect (@PiaoEffect_cn) August 23, 2017
Prelude To Eden (1995) - HD 1080P - Michel Gagne
In April 2010, I managed to retrieve Prelude to Eden's original digital files on Exabyte tapes. The tapes had been missing for several years, stored in a war...