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Wukong - Staff Spinning VFX
Wukong - Staff Spinning VFX
Wukong Spinning Staff Water Effect | Unreal Engine Niagara I created a spinning staff water effect for Wukong using Niagara in Unreal Engine. 🔹 Emitters in the system: Trail behind the staff – Implemented using a Ribbon Renderer, carefully tuned for smooth motion with a slight blur effect, utilizing UV Tiling settings. Additional Ribbon – A secondary ribbon using a Masked shader with Dithering, allowing for powerful splash of water that creates the effect of water being thrown back as you spin the staff. Water splashes – Created in Liquid Gen and rendered as an 8x8 flipbook. Used a Masked shader with Dithering to prevent overdraw and achieve smooth sprite fading. Would love to hear your feedback! 🚀
Wukong - Staff Spinning VFX
Dynamic Liquid, Edouard Boudet
Dynamic Liquid, Edouard Boudet
Here is my dynamic liquid system inspired by the amazing Half Life Alyx bottle shader. it's a ray marched liquid based on the bottle mesh volume, affected by the movement of the bottle plus 3 layer of waves. I made a breakable object from this bottle to create a fun splash action. Hope you like it !
Dynamic Liquid, Edouard Boudet
Fountain VFX - UE5, Ivan Remez
Fountain VFX - UE5, Ivan Remez
Personal project I created in my free time using UE5's Niagara system, focusing on honing my skills in Houdini flip simulations and VAT exporting. The project also allowed me to explore the SingleLayer water shader and experiment with its capabilities. The environment and fountain mesh were sourced from Paragon Assets, while all visual effects (fountain, leaves, bugs) were created by me. Hope you enjoy it!
Fountain VFX - UE5, Ivan Remez
Terra Nil VFX, Yuri Podchasha
Terra Nil VFX, Yuri Podchasha
Hooray! The game trailer is finally out for which I drew water, smoke and some fire. I have never had to draw so much water, but I did it. Very happy about it. It was great to work with such cool guys from the Lucan studio team. You are amazing! And of course don't forget to download the game! I already went through 2 biomes.
Terra Nil VFX, Yuri Podchasha
Destroy All Humans 2 - Reprobed Environment VFX, Jesse Henning
Destroy All Humans 2 - Reprobed Environment VFX, Jesse Henning
I worked with Plan A and Ruckus Dev in collaboration with the developers of DAH2, Black Forest Games, to help create environmental VFX for water puddles during rain storms. I created materials for the puddles and moving/overflowing water as well as the geyser for the fire hydrant. All particle FX for these were done by fellow and talented VFX Artist Will Jennett. I was also in charge of VFX supervision for multiple cutscenes and Gameplay VFX with a small team of 4 total VFX artists.
Destroy All Humans 2 - Reprobed Environment VFX, Jesse Henning
Freelance VFX Work, Yasmany Batista
Freelance VFX Work, Yasmany Batista
Here is some freelance VFX work I've made in the past months I mostly made smaller gameplay and environmental fx I used Unreal Engine 4.27 and 5.1 I also used Houdini to create some of the smoke effects with flipbooks. I may update this in the future if I find a better way to showcase other more context sensitive FX.
Freelance VFX Work, Yasmany Batista
Unity VFX - Wave, Water_Shock_Wave
Unity VFX - Wave, Water_Shock_Wave
유니티를 활용한 취업이펙트 클래스(앰플리파이/쉐이더그래프 적극활용) 강의정보 : 카카오톡 상담/문의 : 이펙트 전용 단톡방 참여코드받는곳(댓글신청) 네이버 게임이펙트정보 카페링크 게임이펙트정보 커뮤니티 #유니티이펙트#게임이펙트#쿠파FX
Unity VFX - Wave, Water_Shock_Wave
The Last of Us 2 - Joel pushes Ellie into water
The Last of Us 2 - Joel pushes Ellie into water
Subscribe! - The Last of Us 2 - Joel pushes Ellie into water Scene Gameplay Walkthrough The Last of Us Part II Full Game No Commentary PlayStation 4 (PS4 Pro), PlayStation 5 (PS5) , XBOX or PC in 1080 HD 60 Fps (2020). TLOU2, TLOU 2 The Last Of Us 2 all bosses, The Last Of Us 2 ending, The Last Of Us 2 showcasing all cutscenes movie edition, The Last Of Us 2 all boss fights, The Last Of Us 2 side missions, The Last Of Us 2 upgrades, The Last Of Us 2 skins, The Last Of Us 2 outfits / costumes, The Last Of Us 2 all characters, The Last Of Us 2 best moments, The Last Of Us 2 final boss and The Last Of Us 2 true ending, The Last Of Us 2 secret ending, The Last Of Us 2 all endings. Follow me on Twitter:
The Last of Us 2 - Joel pushes Ellie into water
The Last of Us: Part 2 Museum Waterfall, Kristal Nembhard
The Last of Us: Part 2 Museum Waterfall, Kristal Nembhard
I was responsible for environmental and cinematic FXs in the flashback museum Level. In this video I show a water mesh I modeled and applied a water shader to. Along with building and forming a series of waterfall FXs. (Core waterfall assets created by Quinn Kazamaki, Wataru Ikeda, and Taylor Duval)
The Last of Us: Part 2 Museum Waterfall, Kristal Nembhard
The Last of Us Part 2, Some of FX Works, Wataru Ikeda
The Last of Us Part 2, Some of FX Works, Wataru Ikeda
Some of FX works on The Last of Us Part 2. There are including joint work and collaboration. Especially, --- About Snow Interaction (snow footprint deformation) --- Tech Artist -Steven Tang (deformation shader work), Environment Texture Artist - Joakim Stigsson (texturing of snow surface), Graphics Programmer - Artem Kovalovs (implementing FX system). Graphics Programmer - Vincent Marxen (Shader regarding depth writing for parallax mapping). Also Eben Cook, the lead FX Artist helped and gave great ideas to me. --- About Beach Wave (Curl Wave) --- It's collaboration work. The animation of the wave projections at foreshore, waves crashing against the rocks and nice wet sand representation were created by VFX Artist Quinn Kazamaki. My contribution is curl wave, splashes and foam ( and churn) related to curl wave. 
Also Eben Cook, the lead FX Artist helped to improve splash's looks. Quinn also delivered some waterfall assets for the creek and river! GPU FX system: Artem Kovalovs and Raymond Popka.
The Last of Us Part 2, Some of FX Works, Wataru Ikeda
The Last of Us Part II: Flooded City Rapids; Water and splash FX, Natalie Lucht
The Last of Us Part II: Flooded City Rapids; Water and splash FX, Natalie Lucht
I was responsible for bringing the water to polish. Elaine Kubik worked on setting up the water meshes initially for the area where Ellie drives the boat out of the building and down the rapids. The water mesh in the wides were also temp and created by her. I took the mesh in the background and faked some terraces and brought it to polish. The waterfalls I placed is a particle that was made by Quinn Kazamaki, and I hand placed each waterfall in the background. Then I put those waterfalls in it's own render region to turn them off when the boat is far away, or not in view of the camera. The rapids were initially made by Elaine Kubik as temp, then Taylor Duval edited the water and added algae, churn and foam. I then took the mesh that was made and brought it to polish; I readjusted the vertexes, repainted the foam and churn maps, and baked the new textures. The waterfall and splashes were made by Quinn Kazamaki, and I hand placed the FX on the rapids. The water falls at the end of the rapids were added by Taylor Duval.
The Last of Us Part II: Flooded City Rapids; Water and splash FX, Natalie Lucht
Stylized Maelstrom [Realtime VFX], Alfred Jäärf
Stylized Maelstrom [Realtime VFX], Alfred Jäärf
Two effects I made to practice water & 2D flipbook animations as that is not something I've done much of in the past. Decided to throw a greek theme ontop of them because I've been playing Hades lately and while researching I came across a mythical creature called Charybdis which I hadn't heard of before but thought the mythos of it was badass:) Teeth & the trident was made with Blender + 3DCoat. Textures were handpainted in Photoshop. Flipbooks were made with Krita (for the tiling one) & ToonBoom. Shaders & particles made with Unity. The maelstrom uses the stencil buffer to fake depth.
Stylized Maelstrom [Realtime VFX], Alfred Jäärf