Unity Toon Slash Effect By URP (Water&Fire)
#Unity #VFX #卡通渲染 #SlashUnity製作的火刀光與水刀光 效果挺不錯 特別分享一下 歌曲:Snow haltion
Energy Whirlwind, Luis Aguas
some more 2d hand animated flippbook practice in unreal5,
Responsible only for VFX,
Character animation was provided by https://twitter.com/TuxedoPato (huge thanks!)
ArtStation - Bloodborne Maria fanart, leon leon
Fire Projectile UE4 , Pawel Margacz
https://twitter.com/pmargacz The plan was to get a better understanding of trails and ribbon system in UE4. Character models made by Bitgem
Dungeon Hunter Champions VFX - Kyo Kusanagi, Flavio Villalva
I recently had the honor of working on Kyo Kusanagi's VFX for Dungeon Hunter Champions, as part of the partnership between Gameloft and SNK. This character was incredibly fun to work on, and the whole team did an amazing job.
cokey VFX reel 2018
this is my reel and couse,.
Pixel art 1
Fire 062 Slash Down MiX
Fire 062 Slash Down MiX [RTFX Generator] You can purchase the FX pack with this element here =============================================== | Facebook | VK | Videohive&nbs...
Best Student Portfolio
tearch: cokey 75201400@qq.com