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Mintvis' sketches, professional and personal work - Real Time VFX
Mintvis' sketches, professional and personal work - Real Time VFX
Thumbnail: Hi everyone, long time lurker and first time poster here. I recently quit my job as a game art generalist to pursue a career as (freelance) VFX artist. It was a tough choice, but there simply wasn’t enough VFX work to keep me satisfied. I thought I’d share some of my work here, although at this time most of it is professional work. I’m also working hard to fill my portfolio with some more personal work, as I’m not able to use all of my professional work due to NDA’s. Hope you all ...
Mintvis' sketches, professional and personal work - Real Time VFX
Make It "Pop"
Make It "Pop"
In the Effects category, I'll be discussing some of the myriad special effects used in games.Additive blending and glare, when overused, can make a game look...
Make It "Pop"
Loot Drop Hearthstone Style, Mattia Selicato
Loot Drop Hearthstone Style, Mattia Selicato
Hi everyone, I have worked a while ago on making my own version of a very cool effect I saw from 1mafx Pawel Margacz In the creation I used a very cool techinique i learnt on course VFX Apprentice from Nibilli Gabi It's called soulcoaster and it basically consists of a mesh created in Blender that has a simple panning shader on top of it, and you can control the panning from the particle system. I love working on these relaxing fanarts, you always learn something new :) Thanks for everyone that shares their cool stuff so we can learn from!
Loot Drop Hearthstone Style, Mattia Selicato
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