VFX Reel 2019
Call of Duty VFX Demo Reel 2019 All effects are from Black Ops 4
RPG Magic SFX 2 Demo 3 | W.O.W Sound
Magic SFX Pack 2 with 446 high-quality magic sound effects for your RPG, Battle Arena and more! SFX comes in flexible layers, variations, and combos for you to Mix & Match to create and sync them easily to your magic animation! This collection contains basic whooshes, magic attacks and impacts, elemental spells (fire, wind, water, plant, electric and ice), magic spells (JRPG-style and modern RPG) and features more ‘weapon’ spells (magic punches, sword slashes and more!). Also featuring spells inspired by VFX video created by DucVu (Video Demo 1) and Se-uk Jeong (Demo 3)! (Watch the Video De...
Dhruva VFX Showreel Oct18
Dhruva has a new service line which is VFX for games, and we're happy to share a small demo reel to show our skillset. Hope you all like it :)
Sarah Carmody— Warlock FX Updates (World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth)
SUPER excited to launch with these Warlock updates. Many updates to the base rotational spells across all specs, including a bonus suite of FX for the 'green fire' glyph, and added all kinds of new portals for your demon-summoning needs. All 3 specs share a chaotic, unruly, corrupted undertone, but each have a distinct signature look. The Warlock class spans a wide variety of gameplay styles, so these were a fun challenge to work on. There were a lot of different mechanics to convey, and many magic schools represented, and a lot of potentially problematic spell-stacking. For example, th...
Uncharted 4 Selects
Well 3 years working on a videogame produced a billion things. but this is my quickest narrowest cut i could find of some of the stuff i got the opportunity to work on for Uncharted. Weapons, cutscenes, explosions, character interaction.. Theres so much more but this was the best of the best. Definitely the hardest project of my professional career. That crunch was craaaaaaazy. But you know... im really happy with how things came out and thrilled to see so many people playing and enjoying the game. All the people at Naughty Dog push things so hard. What a group of people. Props to the res...
Effects Reel 2014
Here's my latest reel.
cokey VFX reel 2018
this is my reel and couse,.
VFX Reel 2014
Videogame VFX portfolio for work I made between 2006 to 2013. Featuring samples from inFAMOUS: Second Son, F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin, Condemned 2: Bloodshot, Gotham City Impostors, and Halo 4. Complete shot list and resume available upon request. (Soundtrack: "Kaz Hayashi '01" by Oxes)
RTFX reel
This is our last 2D FX reel. https://www.behance.net/RTFX http://rt-fx.deviantart.com
Best Student Portfolio
tearch: cokey 75201400@qq.com