RPG Magic SFX 2 Demo 3 | W.O.W Sound
Magic SFX Pack 2 with 446 high-quality magic sound effects for your RPG, Battle Arena and more! SFX comes in flexible layers, variations, and combos for you to Mix & Match to create and sync them easily to your magic animation! This collection contains basic whooshes, magic attacks and impacts, elemental spells (fire, wind, water, plant, electric and ice), magic spells (JRPG-style and modern RPG) and features more ‘weapon’ spells (magic punches, sword slashes and more!). Also featuring spells inspired by VFX video created by DucVu (Video Demo 1) and Se-uk Jeong (Demo 3)! (Watch the Video De...
Unity Realtime VFX Showreel 2018
This showcases some of the best stuff I've worked on in 2018. All content is rendered in 4k using the Unity High Definition Render Pipeline. Clips are from c...
Real Time VFX Reel - Bruno Afonseca - 2016
VFX Work made for various games, across different engines and tools. Textures created in Substance Designer. See my portfolio at http://www.3dbruno.com and m...
Unity3d Magic Effects Pack 1 (AssetStore demo)
Asset store package of effects for Unity3D Link on asset store https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/vfx/particles/spells/magic-effects-pack-1-99856
CartoonVFX by cokey
These aor my own personal special effects works,welcome to exchange,my Facebooke is Cokey Li or QQ: 75201400