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The Firebomb Effect
The Firebomb Effect
The firebomb effect, with cast, projectile shooting and target impact parts. During the process of development we experimented a lot with different shaders, projectiles and impact variations, until we found the right balance and dynamics for firebomb attack effect.
The Firebomb Effect
VFX Design, arthur gaubert
VFX Design, arthur gaubert
School assignment (Artside Game Art School). It was my first time doing concept for fx and I Loved it Special thanks to Leandre Teko for this week and for the feedbacks I do not own the chara design, it's Leandre's. As for the map, I was inspired by League.
VFX Design, arthur gaubert
Artstation Challenge Dragon's Rise - VFX Art - "Projectile Defense Tadpole", Benjamin ADAM
Artstation Challenge Dragon's Rise - VFX Art - "Projectile Defense Tadpole", Benjamin ADAM
Hey everyone ! I'm very happy to share the first part of my participation for the artstation challenge "Dragon's Rise, The Forgotten Realms" in the VFX category. This is a defensive spell for the cosmic lava dragon launching a "missile tadpole" which will absorb an enemy projectile into a bubble.
Artstation Challenge Dragon's Rise - VFX Art - "Projectile Defense Tadpole", Benjamin ADAM
[2022] Dual Slinger Weapon VFX (M+R:SoH), Christiane La
[2022] Dual Slinger Weapon VFX (M+R:SoH), Christiane La
I had the pleasure to work on Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope from the beginning and to make RnD. Crafting VFX for Mario's weapon was really enjoyable! I decided to go for a blue 'plasma' visual for the vanilla/basic version, as one of the keyword was "high-tech" and to match the color of the weapon. What I did: All VFX shown in the video "Gallery" Some sources files (textures, meshes, shaders) Setup for the VFX gallery Some in-game integration I was in charge of creating the first visuals of "Ooze", "Shock", "Water" elements in order to define the VFX art direction of those powers. It's a VFX team effort so I would like to thank Jinni On, Mi Xin Wen, Emmanuel Oujoud. ----------------- MARIO + RABBIDS SPARKS OF HOPE © 2022 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Rabbids, Sparks of Hope, Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are registered or unregistered trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries. Nintendo properties are licensed to Ubisoft Entertainment by Nintendo. SUPER MARIO characters © Nintendo. Trademarks are property of their respective owners. Nintendo Switch is a trademark of Nintendo.
[2022] Dual Slinger Weapon VFX (M+R:SoH), Christiane La
Bertram Raahauge Jensen on Twitter
Bertram Raahauge Jensen on Twitter
Did a little more work on the fire VFX. Pew, pew & pew. 🙃#AmplifyShaderEditor #madewithunity #VFX #RealtimeVFX #gamedev #indiedev #unity3d— Bertram Raahauge Jensen (@MrB_Jensen) February 19, 2020
Bertram Raahauge Jensen on Twitter
Sarah Carmody— Warlock FX Updates (World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth)
Sarah Carmody— Warlock FX Updates (World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth)
SUPER excited to launch with these Warlock updates. Many updates to the base rotational spells across all specs, including a bonus suite of FX for the 'green fire' glyph, and added all kinds of new portals for your demon-summoning needs. All 3 specs share a chaotic, unruly, corrupted undertone, but each have a distinct signature look. The Warlock class spans a wide variety of gameplay styles, so these were a fun challenge to work on. There were a lot of different mechanics to convey, and many magic schools represented, and a lot of potentially problematic spell-stacking. For example, th...
Sarah Carmody— Warlock FX Updates (World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth)