💥 With the timestream on the brink of collapse, it's time for our heroes to rise!From Tokyo 2099 to the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda, and to Hydra Charte...
This is my favorite fire exercise. If the "matchstick" wasn't already the "walk cycle of fire" I would want this to be it. Still... give it a try. You'll have a blast, especially when you take it to more complex styles than I can replicate. 90 degrees. 47 degrees. It works at like, any angle. Even 128 Degrees.
Not 451, though. Don't make that joke.
Don't do it.
''HALCYON ZERO’’ 2D VFX ANIMATION part 1 Different concepts , drafts and vfx animations i made during working on Pahdo Lab’s project ''HALCYON ZERO’’ https://www.halcyon-zero.com Characters and Environment art done by other artists, my part is only VFX Used tool Adobe Animate
Elemental punch effect created for the game: Fallen Tear the ascension, DAN Santos
This was another sequence of elemental effects that I loved doing for the Fallen Tear the ascension project, I hope you enjoy seeing how the animations turned out.
- English version follows Korean -
옥토포에서 채용 재능있는 아티스들을 채용중입니다! :)
실력있고 열정있는 아티스트들과 자유로운 환경에서 퀄리티있는 캐주얼 이펙트를 만들어봐요!
포스트에 있는 이펙트들은 회사에서 진행중인 드로잉 스터디 결과물들 입니다.
모든 저작권은 각 아티스트들에게 귀속되어있습니다.
자세한 공고는 게임잡 링크에서 확인해주세요 : https://www.gamejob.co.kr/List_GI/GIB_Read.asp?GI_No=231913
지원은 게임잡 링크를 통해서 해주셔도 되고, recruit@octopo.art 로 바로 해주셔도 됩니다.
Octopo is hiring talented VFX artists! :)
Join our team and work with extremely talented and passionate artists!
Let's make global top tier stylised VFX with us!
The artworks in this post are the output from our internal VFX drawing study.
All rights are belonged to an individual artist.
If you want to know more about how we work, what culture we have, what projects we do, etc.
Please check the link : https://www.gamejob.co.kr/List_GI/GIB_Read.asp?GI_No=231913
You can also apply for the positions via the link above, or directly apply to via recruit@octopo.art
im very happy to share the vfx Gabriel‘s ultimate skill presentation i made for the zlongame’s production "archeland" . and thanks for my leader Moore provided me a lot advices.
Realtime Unity VFX Tutorial: The 3 Core Elements You NEED To Know
While there are a ton of VFX tutorials out there, not many break down the actual steps and concepts involved in the creation process of creating a great effe...
Personal Animated Short 【Heat vs Repulsion】自主制作アニメ
Personal animated short "Heat vs Repulsion" by a 19-years-old Chinese student, nickname 光学核心(Optical-Core). Concept, animation, backgrounds, compositing all ...