Lords of the Fallen - Pieta VFX, Daryll Española
Lords of the Fallen - Pieta VFX
I had the opportunity to work on Pieta's VFX for Lords of the Fallen alongside these talented colleagues: Ferdinand Corrales, Joshua Fenix, Jiro Alo, Carmelo Vázquez, Fernando Calvo Gutierrez, and Mati González Jiménez.
I would also like to thank Oscar Gaya for his guidance and smooth collaboration during the production.
Lastly, I want to express my gratitude to Hexworks, CI Games, and Secret6 for providing this great opportunity!
VFX Phoenix Dive, Asher
VFX Phoenix Dive
国风特效Chinese Style VFX, 224
一次国风特效的尝试/Chinese Style VFX
Sword skill of flame /2023, Yuuki Nakatani
VFX produced in 2023
Flame technique effects with flames and high-speed rushing
The Firebomb Effect
The firebomb effect, with cast, projectile shooting and target impact parts. During the process of development we experimented a lot with different shaders, projectiles and impact variations, until we found the right balance and dynamics for firebomb attack effect.
【战双帕弥什 Punishing: Gray Raven】vfx_particle_18, DoubleCats
UE4 VFX Teleport