Elemental punch effect created for the game: Fallen Tear the ascension, DAN SantosThis was another sequence of elemental effects that I loved doing for the Fallen Tear the ascension project, I hope you enjoy seeing how the animations turned out.#fire#water#ice#dust#smoke#stylized#flipbook·artstation.com·Oct 10, 2023Elemental punch effect created for the game: Fallen Tear the ascension, DAN Santos
Riot Creative Contest 2017#attack#impact#leagueOfLegends#magic#splash#water#stylized#fire#smoke·vimeo.com·Mar 6, 2018Riot Creative Contest 2017
6 - 10 years ago made a special effect, HYT -6年-10年前制作的特效作品,翻出来怀念一下 6 - 10 years ago made a special effect, Cherish the memory of the past#fire#impact#smoke#water#stylized·artstation.com·Feb 28, 20186 - 10 years ago made a special effect, HYT -
RTFX reelThis is our last 2D FX reel. https://www.behance.net/RTFX http://rt-fx.deviantart.com#demoreel#explosion#smoke#stylized#water#fire·vimeo.com·Feb 15, 2018RTFX reel