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Kill_Zap. , Leonardo Guzmán
Kill_Zap. , Leonardo Guzmán
My first Unreal engine real time effect. A big thanks to the VFX Apprentice community and teachers for the feedback and some of the resources used in this effect. I am not switching completely from illustration, but my dream has always been to work in some games. I hope my drawing and this new passion can get us there!
Kill_Zap. , Leonardo Guzmán
쿠파 유니티이펙트 취업 클래스 실제강의 캐주얼 검기 효과 맛보기
쿠파 유니티이펙트 취업 클래스 실제강의 캐주얼 검기 효과 맛보기
유니티를 활용한 취업이펙트 클래스(앰플리파이/쉐이더그래프 적극활용) 강의정보 : 카카오톡 상담/문의 : 이펙트 전용 단톡방 참여코드받는곳(댓글신청) 네이버 게임이펙트정보 카페링크 게임이펙트정보 커뮤니티 #유니티이펙트#게임이펙트#쿠파FX
쿠파 유니티이펙트 취업 클래스 실제강의 캐주얼 검기 효과 맛보기
DingDang Game VFX-2, Feli
DingDang Game VFX-2, Feli
DingDangGame is a game design company in China which provides professional game design services including Character Animation, Unity/UE4 VFX, Motion Capture, and Transition Animation. DingDangGame will provide you with high-quality services and cost-effective products. If you are interested, then please contact me. Thank you.
DingDang Game VFX-2, Feli