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Forum: prevent mp4 auto-scale
Forum: prevent mp4 auto-scale
@Keith Feedback about the forum: do you think there’s a way to prevent mp4 embeds from filling the width of the post, and just stick to their original size if they’re lower than the post width? E.g. I’d like this mp4 video To be displayed like its gif equivalent, and not stretched: Looking at the HTML source, it converts the mp4 link to a
Forum: prevent mp4 auto-scale
#explosion #stylized
#explosion #stylized
Created by unity3d,A stylized nuclear explosion which turly awesome,Is there have any question or advice,Please let me know.
#explosion #stylized
小さな効果のcgwell衝撃波、チュートリアルに添付されて、理解するための外観。 33著者:ディアンポストIDを私を助ける:45009