LoR_DragonmancerNami_LevelUp VFX/Enoch飒, Enoch Lee
非常高兴能分享我为《符文大地传说》所做的 VFX 工作!这是与 Riot 团队合作的作品。非常感谢 Riot 和 Kudos 为我提供了这么酷工作机会。也非常荣幸能有这个机会与这些极具才华的艺术家们合作,同时也非常感谢 Riot 的 VFX 负责人He Sir/Doris的指导。
I am very happy to share my VFX work for "Legend of Runeterra"! This is a work in collaboration with the Riot team. Thank you Riot and Kudos for providing me with such a cool job opportunity. I am also very honored to have this opportunity to work with these extremely talented artists, and I am very grateful to Riot's VFX director He Sir/Doris for his guidance.
HeSir https://www.artstation.com/hesirs
Doris https://www.artstation.com/fang92724
3D -
Eli Chen https://www.artstation.com/jc801212
Stan Huang https://www.artstation.com/stanhuang
Alan Lan
Animator -
Zhihe Ren
Rig -
Allen Zhang https://www.artstation.com/xianfengzhang9
Concept -
Meng Yuan https://www.artstation.com/yuanmeng
Thanks again to all artists!
Justice online逆水寒_Spirit Beast effects_VFX, SongJian Cheng
Share some of my VFX work for Justice online.
This includes the body effects(juvenile and adult) and skill effects of these Beast.
Each Beast has a basic attack and a skill to help you fight.
Pixel art 1
Mix 22
Mix_22 for "Elemental 2d FX" You can purchase it here: goo.gl/2z5Byk ----------------------------------------------- Tumblr: timerkaevr.tumblr.com/ Instagram: instagram.com/timerkaev_r Vi...
2D animation Water FXES
Some part of my work on fxes for the tv series "Niko and the Sword of Light" 1 season Done in Adobe Flash
Mix 13
Mix_13 for "Elemental 2d FX" You can purchase it here: goo.gl/2z5Byk ----------------------------------------------- Tumblr: timerkaevr.tumblr.com/ Instagram: instagram.com/timerkaev_r Vi...
Liquid 018 Splash Explosion Down V01
Liquid 018 Splash Explosion Down V01 [RTFX Generator] You can purchase the FX pack with this element here =============================================== | Facebook | VK |&...
battlerite pearl 01