UE5 Waterfall&Fountain/How to make Geometry Cache become Niagara, 世杰 黄
It is quite difficult to achieve good flowing effect in UE. The advantage of this clever method is that it is performance friendly, but the disadvantage is that it is not easy to handle irregular shapes
VFX sketches 07, Charles Moreira (Guildor)
Hello! After a long time with no posts I'm bringing the WIP of a procedural waterfall shader that I'm creating in my spare time. I've started this in UE4, but then I decided to migrate it to UE5, and it's weird how it looks different in both versions. Honestly, I still prefer the results in UE4, but it just need some love!
It's not a fluid, it's just a simple mesh with shader that I'm using a combination between of water textures made from pictures I got from CGtextures and used to create manually a tileset using Photoshop and procedural masks generated using the TexCoord. I love this technique!
It's not ready (and honestly it may never be), and to convince as a real waterfall I should add some particles, but my challenge (and my fun) here is just to give the impression of waterfall and also create some controllers to generate different variations, like a waterfall of poison or lava using a single mesh.
The Last of Us: Part 2 Museum Waterfall, Kristal Nembhard
I was responsible for environmental and cinematic FXs in the flashback museum Level. In this video I show a water mesh I modeled and applied a water shader to. Along with building and forming a series of waterfall FXs. (Core waterfall assets created by Quinn Kazamaki, Wataru Ikeda, and Taylor Duval)
Feedback on Water Stream
Hey all! I’m new here and I’ve got to say this website is an amazing resource. I’ve been getting into RT VFX recently (been a game dev for a long time) and have been working a few effects. I was inspired by the recent waterfall Sketch posts and wanted to take a shot at one myself. I’m quite happy with the progress so far, but I feel a little stuck on getting the edges of my water fall to look believable. Here’s the current progress: (EDIT: Updated progress: ) My current gripe ...
Waterfall Texture Seamless Loop, 4k, Stockvideos & Filmmaterial (100 % lizenzfrei) 1026096740 | Shutterstock
Holen Sie sich ein 20.000 zweites waterfall texture seamless loop, 4k, Stockvideo mit 25FPS. 4K- und HD-Video, sofort in jedem NLE einsatzbereit. Wählen Sie aus einer Vielzahl ähnlicher Szenen aus. Videoclipnummer 1026096740. Videos jetzt herunterladen!
Mortal Kombat 11 | Wu Shi Dragon Grotto [Stage Showcase]
Nothing fancy, just a quick showcase video on one of the stages for Mortal Kombat 11. Mortal Kombat 11 is a fighting video game with gruesome fatalities. #Mo...
Anthem: Every Javelin Ability and Ultimate
Your first look at all of Anthem's exosuit Javelins, their powerful abilities, and each of their devastating ultimate attacks. 27 Things You Missed from Anth...
2D animation Water FXES
Some part of my work on fxes for the tv series "Niko and the Sword of Light" 1 season Done in Adobe Flash