Spellbreak VFX, Tornado FX
Spellbreak Elemental Tornados. I was responsible for Art Direction,, Concept, and the Combat VFX.
water, Moore
Stylized VFX - Unreal Engine, Matéo Chilla
Here are some of my first Stylized VFX I've had the opportunity to create thanks to a masterclass at Artside with Théo Droulez.
It was really fun to explore this field and learn the process to make game-ready VFX. From the creation of the alphas/sprite sheets to the final VFX.
I'd like to credit Mingwei Lim for giving me the inspiration for my meteor VFX. Check out his work :
Game Effect Portfolio
010 9597 5325
VFX sketches , Daniil Tolmachov
Unity VFX Amplify Shader Editor - Magic Fire and Ice Tornado Tutorial
I get a ton of requests from people who are looking to level up their VFX skills in Unity. Today, Igor stops by Stylized Station to give us a breakdown on ho...
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tearch: cokey 75201400@qq.com