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Ice Finisher Skill VFX
Ice Finisher Skill VFX
Ice Elemental Finisher using stylized VFX, having not done any ice related FX for a while so it was a challenge to get the ice right. But in the end it was really satisfying to see it work when I put everything together.
Ice Finisher Skill VFX
Ice Shield Explosion, Beau Snider
Ice Shield Explosion, Beau Snider
Had an ABSOLUTE blast creating this effect, started out by making a concept of something I wanted to have that involved an ice shield with an explosion afterward, learned a lot about magical explosions in one of the lessons from VFX Apprentice which helped me a lot to create this effect as a student there.
Ice Shield Explosion, Beau Snider
Character Career FX Design, MY NAME IS ZG
Character Career FX Design, MY NAME IS ZG
角色职业大招技能设计,单张关键帧设计。 Character Career Ultra Skill FX Concept,Single-sheet Keyframe Design. 【最终作品展出已官方发布为准】 【The final artwork is subject to what will be showcased officially】
Character Career FX Design, MY NAME IS ZG
Coloso Niagara Tutorial, Lee Kisong
Coloso Niagara Tutorial, Lee Kisong
Hello, I am Kisong Lee, a VFX artist. I have recently been given a great opportunity to collaborate with Colosso, an online class platform, to open my own class. 안녕하세요, VFX 아티스트 이기송입니다. 이번에 제가 좋은 기회로 온라인 클래스 전문 플랫폼 콜로소와 함께 클래스를 오픈하게 되었습니다. 이펙터를 꿈꾸시는 분, 혹은 이제 막 첫 발을 떼신 이펙터 분이라면 분명 같은 툴, 기능을 사용했음에도 다른 이의 이펙트가 더욱 멋있어보인 적이 있으셨을텐데요, 결국 플레이어의 눈길을 사로 잡는 이펙트를 만들기 위해서는, 테크닉적인 감각 뿐 아니라, ‘아트적인’ 감각도 중요하다고 생각합니다. 이번 클래스에서는 이펙트의 아트적인 표현 등 섬세하고 정교한 이펙트 디자인 요소와, 캐릭터 모션에 맞는 이펙트 연출 디테일까지 배워 고퀄리티 비주얼 이펙트를 구현하는 저만의 노하우를 알려드리고자 하는데요, 더불어 판타지 장르에서 활용할 수 있는 방법들을 캐릭터 스킬 실습을 통해 실무 이펙트 제작 과정을 확인 할 수 있으니 경쟁력있는 이펙터를 꿈꾸시는 분이라면 꼭 만나보시길 추천드립니다! 현재는 얼리버드 기간으로 크게 할인된 금액으로 수강할 수 있으니, 링크를 통해 자세한 내용을 확인해 주세요. 👉
Coloso Niagara Tutorial, Lee Kisong
DingDang Game VFX-2, Feli
DingDang Game VFX-2, Feli
DingDangGame is a game design company in China which provides professional game design services including Character Animation, Unity/UE4 VFX, Motion Capture, and Transition Animation. DingDangGame will provide you with high-quality services and cost-effective products. If you are interested, then please contact me. Thank you.
DingDang Game VFX-2, Feli
[2022] Stormblade/Hero Sight Technique (M+R:SoH), Christiane La
[2022] Stormblade/Hero Sight Technique (M+R:SoH), Christiane La
I had the pleasure to work on Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope from the beginning and to make RnD. Those Techniques (special ability of a character) share the same Game Design rules, but with slight differences. I decided to go for a smooth and transparent look so the character is not covered or hidden by particles. ----------------- All VFX shown in the videos "Gallery" Some sources files (textures, meshes, shaders) Setup for the VFX gallery Some in-game integration It's a VFX team effort so I would like to thank Jinni On, Mi Xin Wen, Emmanuel Oujoud, and special thanks to Isac Amisano. I didn't make the shader on character. ----------------- MARIO + RABBIDS SPARKS OF HOPE © 2022 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Rabbids, Sparks of Hope, Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are registered or unregistered trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries. Nintendo properties are licensed to Ubisoft Entertainment by Nintendo. SUPER MARIO characters © Nintendo. Trademarks are property of their respective owners. Nintendo Switch is a trademark of Nintendo.
[2022] Stormblade/Hero Sight Technique (M+R:SoH), Christiane La
VFX Mizuchi Shield - Dragon's Rise, Darin Aranda
VFX Mizuchi Shield - Dragon's Rise, Darin Aranda
Hi ^__^ Here is the final result of my participation for the Arstation challenge in VFX Art (real-time) category. ___________________________________________________ Special thanks to Jeanluc Kol for having made this stunning concept that has brought out the best in me. ^^ I am also very grateful to all those peope who have helped with their feedback. _________________________________________ *Made in unreal engine 5. *All the meses were been made with houdini in order to have more control while I iterated. The only mesh that isn't made in this way is the dragon's head that I modeled in blender. *The textures made in substance designer and photoshop software. The complete breakdown you can find it in the challenge post. _______ Concept by Jeanuc Kol
VFX Mizuchi Shield - Dragon's Rise, Darin Aranda
VinceVFX auf Twitter
VinceVFX auf Twitter
For the impact wave, there is a lot of static mesh emission, ghost trails, and UV distortion. The decal is a nice touch that really completes it. VFX6158's charged punch unreal effect. #realtimevfx #realtimevfxartist #vfx #vfxartist #madewithunity #UE4
VinceVFX auf Twitter