Hi ^__^
Here is the final result of my participation for the Arstation challenge in VFX Art (real-time) category.
Special thanks to Jeanluc Kol for having made this stunning concept that has brought out the best in me. ^^
I am also very grateful to all those peope who have helped with their feedback.
*Made in unreal engine 5.
*All the meses were been made with houdini in order to have more control while I iterated. The only mesh that isn't made in this way is the dragon's head that I modeled in blender.
*The textures made in substance designer and photoshop software.
The complete breakdown you can find it in the challenge post.
Concept by Jeanuc Kol
🔥 My Store: https://assetstore.unity.com/publishers/49834👉 Ultimate Impact Fx Pack: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/slug/178389👉 2D Character Anima...
I made this one for myself so I am happy to share the source file with you :) Done with Flash. Here you go! https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0MZ_oJNX2BqMElUd0hhSllwc1E/view?usp=sharing