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Paragon Ice Shader Breakdown, Jordan Hey
Paragon Ice Shader Breakdown, Jordan Hey
This is the first in a series of breakdowns I will be doing going over and recreating the Paragon shaders. I've written up my first break down on the paragon shaders. Feel free to take a look an let me know what you think Links: Part one Part two *****These Materials were made by epic games which I am not an employee or affiliate of. I am doing these purely for learning/tutorial/Reference purposes*****
Paragon Ice Shader Breakdown, Jordan Hey
Rei auf X: „This week is Winter Sale (-25%) on Blender Market and I just updated my Stylized Tree Generator with some fix, an updated leaves block geonodes tool and a full library of assets. Time to create those forests! 🥦“ / X
Rei auf X: „This week is Winter Sale (-25%) on Blender Market and I just updated my Stylized Tree Generator with some fix, an updated leaves block geonodes tool and a full library of assets. Time to create those forests! 🥦“ / X
Time to create those forests! 🥦 — Rei (@Reipart_)
Rei auf X: „This week is Winter Sale (-25%) on Blender Market and I just updated my Stylized Tree Generator with some fix, an updated leaves block geonodes tool and a full library of assets. Time to create those forests! 🥦“ / X
Driveclub Vehicle Shaders, Andrew Bolt
Driveclub Vehicle Shaders, Andrew Bolt
I worked as the Principal Technical Artist for the vehicle team on Driveclub, and was responsible for all vehicle shaders and tools.
Driveclub Vehicle Shaders, Andrew Bolt
Hot Wheels Rift Rally: Energy Loss Glitch Shader, Brian Hill
Hot Wheels Rift Rally: Energy Loss Glitch Shader, Brian Hill
Another fun VFX / TechArt problem to solve on Hot Wheels Rift Rally - how to show the "simulation" starting to break down as you take damage or loose energy in the game. The particles were created in PopcornFX and then imported into our proprietary game engine (Viper). There I trimmed the rendering of the billboards so they were only visible within the silhouette of the player's car using a stencil buffer. Then I created a few different shaders for the billboards that did a 2D distortion on the image, "punched holes" in the AR car by just drawing the raw video feed from the car's onboard camera on top of it, and drew some circuit patterns over it with various levels of color channel separation.
Hot Wheels Rift Rally: Energy Loss Glitch Shader, Brian Hill
Genshin Impact (原神) Shader [UE5]
Genshin Impact (原神) Shader [UE5]
I was impressed by the fantastic shaders in Genshin Impact and decided to study the NPR (Non-Photorealistic Rendering) technique. While studying, the following two posts have been very helpful. My post introduces a variety of functions that I have researched. ============================================================================== Ben Ayers Blender Shader Adrian Mendez Unity URP Shader The modeling and textures of the posts use the modeling that is officially distributed, and you can directly download it from the website below. I used it for educational purposes. Thanks for watching !
Genshin Impact (原神) Shader [UE5]
Unreal Engine Material - FFT Ocean Flipbook, Ghislain GIRARDOT
Unreal Engine Material - FFT Ocean Flipbook, Ghislain GIRARDOT
Finally, here's a breakdown of the technique I used to create the water in my old 'Tropical Diorama' UE project. It got a few improvements since then :) Hope you'll find the video useful! Files are available as a Tier 1 reward on my Patreon:
Unreal Engine Material - FFT Ocean Flipbook, Ghislain GIRARDOT
쿠파 유니티이펙트 취업 클래스 실제강의 캐주얼 검기 효과 맛보기
쿠파 유니티이펙트 취업 클래스 실제강의 캐주얼 검기 효과 맛보기
유니티를 활용한 취업이펙트 클래스(앰플리파이/쉐이더그래프 적극활용) 강의정보 : 카카오톡 상담/문의 : 이펙트 전용 단톡방 참여코드받는곳(댓글신청) 네이버 게임이펙트정보 카페링크 게임이펙트정보 커뮤니티 #유니티이펙트#게임이펙트#쿠파FX
쿠파 유니티이펙트 취업 클래스 실제강의 캐주얼 검기 효과 맛보기
Unity VFX - Wave, Water_Shock_Wave
Unity VFX - Wave, Water_Shock_Wave
유니티를 활용한 취업이펙트 클래스(앰플리파이/쉐이더그래프 적극활용) 강의정보 : 카카오톡 상담/문의 : 이펙트 전용 단톡방 참여코드받는곳(댓글신청) 네이버 게임이펙트정보 카페링크 게임이펙트정보 커뮤니티 #유니티이펙트#게임이펙트#쿠파FX
Unity VFX - Wave, Water_Shock_Wave
The Last of Us: Part I...snow and ice shaders
The Last of Us: Part I...snow and ice shaders
The Last of Us: Part I is a particularly special project for me, my enjoyment of the original game inspired me to pursue a career at Naughty Dog and this was the first project for which I was promoted to the position of Principal Artist, which was a brand new position created at Naughty Dog. I fulfilled this role for the duration of the project and it was an incredible learning experience. --- As Principal, I was tasked with expanding upon, and developing new art pipelines that would help empower the environment team to create a visual experience that could truly harness the full potential of the PS5. I also took ownership of some very technically challenging sequences and was responsible for creating many of the modular assets and shaders that would be shared across the project. --- I continued my roles as the Vehicle Specialist (asset creation, art/technical pipeline, management of library) and as a level artist (textures, shaders etc) alongside Naughty Dog Lead Artist, Todd Foster (modelling and layout on the Firefly Lab). --- I have a lot of work to dive into and i'm excited to try and bring breakdowns and insights into some of our workflows, but it's been important to me to also take time to rest and as this is a process I love, I really want time to enjoy it. --- I'll be uploading additional galleries along with detailed information and break downs in the coming weeks (months heh) and I hope those of you that are interested will enjoy some of these galleries to come. --- This has been my third Naughty Dog title and it has been an incredible experience and as always, it takes a monumental team effort in order to make such amazing games. Without the hard work and dedication of the entire team, across all departments, none of this would be possible. Please do check out all of the posts from the other incredible Naughty Dog artists! --- Please enjoy this small gallery and stay tuned for more very soon! ---
The Last of Us: Part I...snow and ice shaders
Perlin Noise
Perlin Noise
Perlin Noise One of other common form of noise is perlin noise. Perlin noise is one implementation of so called “gradient noise” similarly to value n...
Perlin Noise