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Ink Sword Slash - VFX, Curtis Thorpe
Ink Sword Slash - VFX, Curtis Thorpe
Wanted to delve more into sword slashes and decided on the theme of "Ink". I had a lot of fun making this effect and putting my own creative spin on it! Any feedback is welcome and appreciated :) (Character and Environment Props are property of Epic Games).
Ink Sword Slash - VFX, Curtis Thorpe
Dark Assassin SwordLight-VFX, PZF
Dark Assassin SwordLight-VFX, PZF
Dark Assassin SwordLight-VFX, PZF
Fan Art-Blood Berserker SwordLighting-VFX, PZF
Fan Art-Blood Berserker SwordLighting-VFX, PZF
Fan Art-Blood Berserker SwordLighting-VFX, PZF
쿠파 유니티이펙트 취업 클래스 실제강의 캐주얼 검기 효과 맛보기
쿠파 유니티이펙트 취업 클래스 실제강의 캐주얼 검기 효과 맛보기
유니티를 활용한 취업이펙트 클래스(앰플리파이/쉐이더그래프 적극활용) 강의정보 : 카카오톡 상담/문의 : 이펙트 전용 단톡방 참여코드받는곳(댓글신청) 네이버 게임이펙트정보 카페링크 게임이펙트정보 커뮤니티 #유니티이펙트#게임이펙트#쿠파FX
쿠파 유니티이펙트 취업 클래스 실제강의 캐주얼 검기 효과 맛보기
VFX Water Slash, Jasmin Wodarczyk
VFX Water Slash, Jasmin Wodarczyk
My goal was to add more power, (more "slicyness") sharp shapes and deeper colors. The main inspiration for the effect was a water slash from Genshin Impact (see image Genshin Imapct screenshot). The effect was created with the Particle System Editor and Amplify Shader plugin in Unity. 3D model & animation: Girl GreatSword AnimSet from wemakethegame Evironment: Fantasy Adventure Environment
VFX Water Slash, Jasmin Wodarczyk