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flame pillar effect, TataMikan
flame pillar effect, TataMikan
One of the major effects used in the video [ASTLOGIA] that we produced. Available on the UE Marketplace →
flame pillar effect, TataMikan
Terra Nil VFX, Yuri Podchasha
Terra Nil VFX, Yuri Podchasha
Hooray! The game trailer is finally out for which I drew water, smoke and some fire. I have never had to draw so much water, but I did it. Very happy about it. It was great to work with such cool guys from the Lucan studio team. You are amazing! And of course don't forget to download the game! I already went through 2 biomes.
Terra Nil VFX, Yuri Podchasha
Wizard of Oz: Idle Merge - Hammer VFX, Bryan Sharpley
Wizard of Oz: Idle Merge - Hammer VFX, Bryan Sharpley
This is a hammer impact VFX I created for Tiny Rex’s Wizard of Oz: Idle Merge game. The effect was created mostly in blender by creating both procedural shaders and toon shaders. The cloud component was created by animating by a mixture of code and manual animation by yours truly. The dust component is a procedural shader on a disk mesh and the impact component is conventional vector animation in AE.
Wizard of Oz: Idle Merge - Hammer VFX, Bryan Sharpley
Coloso Niagara Tutorial, Lee Kisong
Coloso Niagara Tutorial, Lee Kisong
Hello, I am Kisong Lee, a VFX artist. I have recently been given a great opportunity to collaborate with Colosso, an online class platform, to open my own class. 안녕하세요, VFX 아티스트 이기송입니다. 이번에 제가 좋은 기회로 온라인 클래스 전문 플랫폼 콜로소와 함께 클래스를 오픈하게 되었습니다. 이펙터를 꿈꾸시는 분, 혹은 이제 막 첫 발을 떼신 이펙터 분이라면 분명 같은 툴, 기능을 사용했음에도 다른 이의 이펙트가 더욱 멋있어보인 적이 있으셨을텐데요, 결국 플레이어의 눈길을 사로 잡는 이펙트를 만들기 위해서는, 테크닉적인 감각 뿐 아니라, ‘아트적인’ 감각도 중요하다고 생각합니다. 이번 클래스에서는 이펙트의 아트적인 표현 등 섬세하고 정교한 이펙트 디자인 요소와, 캐릭터 모션에 맞는 이펙트 연출 디테일까지 배워 고퀄리티 비주얼 이펙트를 구현하는 저만의 노하우를 알려드리고자 하는데요, 더불어 판타지 장르에서 활용할 수 있는 방법들을 캐릭터 스킬 실습을 통해 실무 이펙트 제작 과정을 확인 할 수 있으니 경쟁력있는 이펙터를 꿈꾸시는 분이라면 꼭 만나보시길 추천드립니다! 현재는 얼리버드 기간으로 크게 할인된 금액으로 수강할 수 있으니, 링크를 통해 자세한 내용을 확인해 주세요. 👉
Coloso Niagara Tutorial, Lee Kisong
Kill_Zap. , Leonardo Guzmán
Kill_Zap. , Leonardo Guzmán
My first Unreal engine real time effect. A big thanks to the VFX Apprentice community and teachers for the feedback and some of the resources used in this effect. I am not switching completely from illustration, but my dream has always been to work in some games. I hope my drawing and this new passion can get us there!
Kill_Zap. , Leonardo Guzmán
LOR - Real Time VFX Compilation2/Enoch飒, Enoch Lee
LOR - Real Time VFX Compilation2/Enoch飒, Enoch Lee
非常高兴能分享我为《符文大地传说》所做的 VFX 工作!这是与 Riot 团队合作的作品。非常感谢 Riot 和 Kudos 为我提供了这么酷工作机会。也非常荣幸能有这个机会与这些极具才华的艺术家们合作,同时也非常感谢 Riot 的 VFX 负责人He Sir/Doris的指导。 I am very happy to share my VFX work for "Legend of Runeterra"! This is a work in collaboration with the Riot team. Thank you Riot and Kudos for providing me with such a cool job opportunity. I am also very honored to have this opportunity to work with these extremely talented artists, and I am very grateful to Riot's VFX director He Sir/Doris for his guidance. Since there are too many artist lists in the collection, you can check the list of corresponding artists in the individual hero video published on the personal homepage, thanks again!
LOR - Real Time VFX Compilation2/Enoch飒, Enoch Lee