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VFX - Divine Roar + Effect Breakdown, Tanguy De Sousa
VFX - Divine Roar + Effect Breakdown, Tanguy De Sousa
Here is the full post, including the Effect Breakdown: Divine Roar is the effect I made in UE5 for my submission to the 11th Artstation Challenge: 'Medieval: Back and Forth' VFX Art real-time category. Based on the stunning concept of Benjamin ADAM:
VFX - Divine Roar + Effect Breakdown, Tanguy De Sousa
Stylized Waterfall, Illan 'Nalli' DEUNF
Stylized Waterfall, Illan 'Nalli' DEUNF
Improved my waterfall shader ! I'm really happy with its look and how versatile it is. It is currently used in my graduation school video game project on Unreal Engine 5.
Stylized Waterfall, Illan 'Nalli' DEUNF
2D VFX Animation Poison Explosion, Yuri Podchasha
2D VFX Animation Poison Explosion, Yuri Podchasha
2d The process of creating the effect of a poisonous explosion. I start by drawing a frame-by-frame animation of the explosion mass, which will be used as the main texture in Unity. After finishing drawing the animation, I finalize the result in After Effects, add blur, glow. After that, I start creating the effect using the particle system on the unity engine, adding flashes and additional particles. The effect was developed specifically for the Dark Tree project. Link to game page:
2D VFX Animation Poison Explosion, Yuri Podchasha
Terra Nil VFX, Yuri Podchasha
Terra Nil VFX, Yuri Podchasha
Hooray! The game trailer is finally out for which I drew water, smoke and some fire. I have never had to draw so much water, but I did it. Very happy about it. It was great to work with such cool guys from the Lucan studio team. You are amazing! And of course don't forget to download the game! I already went through 2 biomes.
Terra Nil VFX, Yuri Podchasha
Wizard of Oz: Idle Merge - Hammer VFX, Bryan Sharpley
Wizard of Oz: Idle Merge - Hammer VFX, Bryan Sharpley
This is a hammer impact VFX I created for Tiny Rex’s Wizard of Oz: Idle Merge game. The effect was created mostly in blender by creating both procedural shaders and toon shaders. The cloud component was created by animating by a mixture of code and manual animation by yours truly. The dust component is a procedural shader on a disk mesh and the impact component is conventional vector animation in AE.
Wizard of Oz: Idle Merge - Hammer VFX, Bryan Sharpley
Freelance VFX Work, Yasmany Batista
Freelance VFX Work, Yasmany Batista
Here is some freelance VFX work I've made in the past months I mostly made smaller gameplay and environmental fx I used Unreal Engine 4.27 and 5.1 I also used Houdini to create some of the smoke effects with flipbooks. I may update this in the future if I find a better way to showcase other more context sensitive FX.
Freelance VFX Work, Yasmany Batista
Kill_Zap. , Leonardo Guzmán
Kill_Zap. , Leonardo Guzmán
My first Unreal engine real time effect. A big thanks to the VFX Apprentice community and teachers for the feedback and some of the resources used in this effect. I am not switching completely from illustration, but my dream has always been to work in some games. I hope my drawing and this new passion can get us there!
Kill_Zap. , Leonardo Guzmán
Stylized VFX - Unreal Engine, Matéo Chilla
Stylized VFX - Unreal Engine, Matéo Chilla
Here are some of my first Stylized VFX I've had the opportunity to create thanks to a masterclass at Artside with Théo Droulez. It was really fun to explore this field and learn the process to make game-ready VFX. From the creation of the alphas/sprite sheets to the final VFX. - I'd like to credit Mingwei Lim for giving me the inspiration for my meteor VFX. Check out his work :
Stylized VFX - Unreal Engine, Matéo Chilla
쿠파 유니티이펙트 취업 클래스 실제강의 캐주얼 검기 효과 맛보기
쿠파 유니티이펙트 취업 클래스 실제강의 캐주얼 검기 효과 맛보기
유니티를 활용한 취업이펙트 클래스(앰플리파이/쉐이더그래프 적극활용) 강의정보 : 카카오톡 상담/문의 : 이펙트 전용 단톡방 참여코드받는곳(댓글신청) 네이버 게임이펙트정보 카페링크 게임이펙트정보 커뮤니티 #유니티이펙트#게임이펙트#쿠파FX
쿠파 유니티이펙트 취업 클래스 실제강의 캐주얼 검기 효과 맛보기
Unity VFX - Wave, Water_Shock_Wave
Unity VFX - Wave, Water_Shock_Wave
유니티를 활용한 취업이펙트 클래스(앰플리파이/쉐이더그래프 적극활용) 강의정보 : 카카오톡 상담/문의 : 이펙트 전용 단톡방 참여코드받는곳(댓글신청) 네이버 게임이펙트정보 카페링크 게임이펙트정보 커뮤니티 #유니티이펙트#게임이펙트#쿠파FX
Unity VFX - Wave, Water_Shock_Wave
Fire Missile, Florian Dury
Fire Missile, Florian Dury
Here is a simple fire effect i made while learning about hand drawn flipbooks, and riggless mesh animation. Enjoy!
Fire Missile, Florian Dury