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Forspoken - PlayStation Showcase 2021: Story Introduction Trailer | PS5
Forspoken - PlayStation Showcase 2021: Story Introduction Trailer | PS5
Forspoken arrives Spring 2022 on PlayStation 5. Mysteriously transported from New York City, Frey Holland finds herself trapped in the beautiful and cruel land of Athia with a magical, sentient bracelet wrapped around her arm. Her new, cynical companion “Cuff” helps Frey navigate through the sprawling landscapes of Athia. In search of a way home, Frey will battle monstrous creatures, confront the powerful Tantas, and uncover secrets that awaken something much more from within. May contain content inappropriate for children. Visit for rating information.
Forspoken - PlayStation Showcase 2021: Story Introduction Trailer | PS5
Water Spline, Gasper Znoj
Water Spline, Gasper Znoj
Water VFX made with a spline component in Unreal Engine I posted a month ago on Twitter. The water is all done in the material using World Position Offset. The mesh has 880 triangles (Would probably work with less as well).
Water Spline, Gasper Znoj
The Last of Us Part II: Beach Waves, Quinn Kazamaki
The Last of Us Part II: Beach Waves, Quinn Kazamaki
My goal with this effect was to make something that hasn't really been seen in games before(although, with so many games out there I'm sure someone has done it at some point). I was responsible for the foam projections and material modifications for the wet sand as the waves would crash and push up onto the shore, run down it, and then seep into the sand. Basically just integrating the wave effect into the shoreline. Wataru Ikeda was responsible for the rest of the effect including making the water surface deformations and the wave crashing into itself. Malcolm Hee was the background artist I worked with on the sand material. If you see some frame blending, that's just some artifacts from trying to loop the video.
The Last of Us Part II: Beach Waves, Quinn Kazamaki
Waterfall Texture Seamless Loop, 4k, Stockvideos & Filmmaterial (100 % lizenzfrei) 1026096740 | Shutterstock
Waterfall Texture Seamless Loop, 4k, Stockvideos & Filmmaterial (100 % lizenzfrei) 1026096740 | Shutterstock
Holen Sie sich ein 20.000 zweites waterfall texture seamless loop, 4k, Stockvideo mit 25FPS. 4K- und HD-Video, sofort in jedem NLE einsatzbereit. Wählen Sie aus einer Vielzahl ähnlicher Szenen aus. Videoclipnummer 1026096740. Videos jetzt herunterladen!
Waterfall Texture Seamless Loop, 4k, Stockvideos & Filmmaterial (100 % lizenzfrei) 1026096740 | Shutterstock
映像制作はUnityでさらなる高みへ メイキング オブ next "Gift ” - Unite Tokyo 2019
映像制作はUnityでさらなる高みへ メイキング オブ next "Gift ” - Unite Tokyo 2019
“THE GIFT”に続く新作短編映画。 本作は、弊社の制作環境のブラッシュアップを目的に、昨今の画のトレンドも踏まえた上で、MARZAらしい作品制作に挑戦したプロジェクトになります。本セッションでは 【パイプラインの改良とTimelineとの連携】、 【マーザ流トゥーン調の画作り 】、【Rigの最適化とアニメーション 】、【手描きの魅力そのまま立体化したエフェクト】を中心に説明させて頂きます。 近年ではUnityを使用した映像制作も増えてますが、早期よりUnityで映像を作ってきたから分かるお話をお伝えできればと思います。
映像制作はUnityでさらなる高みへ メイキング オブ next "Gift ” - Unite Tokyo 2019
TKO on Twitter
TKO on Twitter
エフェクト作業早送り後半ただの塗り絵作業なのでキングクリムゾンしてます— TKO (@SzTko) January 10, 2019
TKO on Twitter