Generate RSS feeds for any web page | PolitePol

Toolbox // Outils gratuits en ligne @NumerOOs
Feed43 : Convert any web page to news feed on the fly
The Old Reader
Emails to RSS Forwarding
RSS Generator - FetchRSS
Free realtime RSS and Atom feed to email service. Get your favourite blogs, feeds, and news delivered to your inbox.
Mix any number of RSS feeds into one unique new feed! | RSS Mix
RSS to ICAL Converter
Rss to ical
Real-time RSS feeds - RSS to email - Feed My Inbox
rss to email service - rssforward
Feed Creator · WP RSS Aggregator
Kill the Newsletter!
FEEDcombine :: Welcome
Feed Informer: Mix, convert, and republish RSS and Atom feeds.
FreshRSS, a free, self-hostable aggregator…
SimplePie: Super-fast, easy-to-use, RSS and Atom feed parsing in PHP.
Framanews - Accueil