Money Manager & Budget Planner | Spendee

Toolbox // Outils gratuits en ligne @NumerOOs
Gestion budget familial et comptabilité personnelle
Xmind - Full-featured mind mapping and brainstorming tool.
Interactive presentation software - Mentimeter
Softr - Build powerful websites and web apps on Airtable, using building blocks.
Volley - Move Work Forward Faster
Type Studio ― Edit your video by editing text.
Create an app from a Google Sheet in five minutes, for free • Glide
Visual Programming | Bubble
VIDEOASK - A ridiculously simple way to get feedback (A Typeform experiment)
Stoop - A newsletter app
Confrere - Professional video calling, without the hassle
Low-code Application Development Platform - Build Apps Fast & Efficiently | Mendix
Supernova Studio
Home | Dropsource - Next Level Mobile Innovation