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What habits help you be creative? 3 Strategies - Uncanny Creativity
What habits help you be creative? 3 Strategies - Uncanny Creativity
Act creatively now or as soon as possible Make habits convenient helps Change the external circumstances.
There’s just one way to radically change your behavior: radically change your environment.”
What habits help you be creative? 3 Strategies - Uncanny Creativity
How do you organize your ideas? 5 Steps - Uncanny Creativity
How do you organize your ideas? 5 Steps - Uncanny Creativity
The system shown here helps with my graphic design work as I decide how to accomplish all of my daily priorities. At the same time, when thoughts drift to personal tasks and ideas that could be distracting I can quickly make a note on my shopping list.
I’m a big fan of Getting Things Done by David Allen and base some organization ideas on that. One of the main ideas of Getting Things Done is to write down anything you think of. Then put it in a place where you can remember it. The other principal is separating an actionable task from reference material. Actionable items are broken down into small tasks and included on project task lists.
A trigger list is a short list of keywords that helps with brainstorming even more thoughts. It reminds me to write down ideas I may not have written yet: Boss, Painting, Bills, Important Dates, Weekly Events, Projects, Unfinished tasks. The words themselves jog memories. I jot down any and all thoughts that come to mind when reading my list. Then organize them into the above systems
In a recent episode of her podcast Happier, habits researcher Gretchen Rubin suggests to instead not organize and get rid of clutter. Some ideas may never happen or won’t be useful. Learn when to let them go as your going through this whole process. If any ideas are timely or have a shelf life, make that clear in your system.
How do you organize your ideas? 5 Steps - Uncanny Creativity