» Tibetan Sea Flower fic!
» (the drama, not the novel)
» Pingxie, with some Iron Triangle feels
» Xiaoge isn't there for most of it
» (not physically, anyway)
» 5000 words, rated T
— mumble (@6differentkinds)
A Reboot ship I didn't expect to write, but gosh it was a lot of fun. If it was ten times longer I'd call it slow burn, but it tries its best.» "not only the sugar, but the days" / Huo Daofu x Bai Haotian / 3000 words / rated G🍑 https://t.co/QjgP7O0qdv— mumble (@6differentkinds) September 30, 2023
A bit of Reboot post-canon softness in which I tried to explore what Xiaoge might get up to on his mystery errands. Also, there's cuddles.» "I will set sails and follow the breeze" / Iron Triangle / 1500 words / rated G☀️ https://t.co/cX2ml5gSCY— mumble (@6differentkinds) September 30, 2023
"i think of loss and i can only think of you"🌌 DMBJ // Ultimate Note🌌 Pingxie, with Xieping aspirations🌌 amnesiac Xiaoge, the sequel🌌 there's only one bed! 🌌 (because Wu Xie is ignoring his own)🌌 2600 words, rated M» https://t.co/AVaROjv5KU pic.twitter.com/9XOL9owz8c— mumble (@6differentkinds) August 22, 2023
"a winding path, an empty page, a silhouette"🧩 DMBJ // Ultimate Note🧩 Pingxie🧩 (also Iron Triangle frondship)🧩 amnesiac Xiaoge!🧩 but we know who he remembers🧩 2500 words, rated T» https://t.co/1Jh6pLQrR2 pic.twitter.com/kPAySfoUdX— mumble (@6differentkinds) July 25, 2023