The Quiet 'Verse

The Quiet 'Verse

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(a quiet place) - Part 1
(a quiet place) - Part 1
» If you're near, it's quiet🍜 Zhubai | 14 k words | rated E▫️ falling in love on set▫️ accidentally discovering D/s▫️ the softest D/s▫️ never getting enough sleep▫️ (worth it)— mumble (@6differentkinds) April 2, 2021
(a quiet place) - Part 1
(a quiet place) - Part 2
(a quiet place) - Part 2
» wish list (you're a new line)🛋 Zhubai | 8.8 k words | rated E | a sequel📝 one whole weekend📝 roleplay!📝 marking!📝 D/s themes!📝 some complicated feelings about the closet and fame and etc.📝 a lot of uncomplicated softness— mumble (@6differentkinds) April 12, 2021
(a quiet place) - Part 2
(a quiet place) - Part 3
(a quiet place) - Part 3
» (that nothing is faded)💬 Zhubai | 2.3 k words | rated M | part of a series🗣 long distance boyfriends!🗣 phone sex!🗣 that's it, that's the tweet— mumble (@6differentkinds) May 13, 2021
(a quiet place) - Part 3
(a quiet place) - Part 4
(a quiet place) - Part 4
» Something bigger than the sky🌇 Zhubai | 9.3 k words | rated E | part of a series"Four times Bai Yu gets to come and one time Long-ge does," if we're counting, and we kind of are. Includes D/s themes and silly banter and extended visits to a soft, quiet place.— mumble (@6differentkinds) July 16, 2021
(a quiet place) - Part 4
(a quiet place) - Part 5
(a quiet place) - Part 5
» deep water, a little deeper than you thought💡 Zhubai | 3.6 k words | rated E | part of a series✨ a blindfold!✨ so much praise kink✨ several other kinks✨ that's it!— mumble (@6differentkinds) August 14, 2021
(a quiet place) - Part 5
Tactical Advantage - Part 1
Tactical Advantage - Part 1
Reconnaissance🔗🧎🏻 The Rebel RPF🧎🏻 Wang Yang/Zhu Yilong🧎🏻 4,200 words, rated ECharacter bleed, D/s play, caretaking, and also Zhu Yilong has an unnamed boyfriend in this one and your first two guesses don't count.— mumble (@6differentkinds) October 1, 2021
Tactical Advantage - Part 1
Tactical Advantage - Part 2
Tactical Advantage - Part 2
Route, Area, Zone🔗📐 Zhubai, but make it poly📐 WY/ZYL (but make it Zhubai)📐 4,900 words, rated EMore caretaking, less character bleed, the softest D/s, a remote threesome, cuddling, etc.— mumble (@6differentkinds) October 16, 2021
Tactical Advantage - Part 2
Tactical Advantage - Part 3
Tactical Advantage - Part 3
Rendezvous Point🔗👑 Bai Yu/Zhu Yilong/Wang Yang👑 (in a secret hideaway)👑 7,400 words, rated EHanging out, playing video games, watching your boyfriend suck off your new friend, sorting out a polycule through gentle banter, etc.— mumble (@6differentkinds) December 28, 2021
Tactical Advantage - Part 3
Tactical Advantage - Part 4
Tactical Advantage - Part 4
Recognition🔗💄 Zhubai!💄 (some BY/ZYL/WY implied)💄 1,900 words, rated EBai Yu might picture a neat little bow, but Long-ge clearly has something messier in mind. (Long-ge wins.)— mumble (@6differentkinds) March 3, 2022
Tactical Advantage - Part 4
Tactical Advantage - Part 5
Tactical Advantage - Part 5
Recreation🔗 🌿 Bai Yu/Zhu Yilong/Wang Yang 🌿 (BY/WY intensifies) 🌿 3,600 words, rated EA sequel with more lingerie, more Wang Yang, more kinks, more bickering, and more happy endings.— mumble (@6differentkinds) March 25, 2022
Tactical Advantage - Part 5
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Remember this thread where I lost my entire mind over a photographer who's worked with Z1L quite a bit? Well, @lunarriviera wrote me a beautiful fic about Z1L and an unnamed artist (cough) and wordless intimacy 🔥 and trust, and you should read it!📸— mumble (@6differentkinds) May 17, 2022
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mumble on Twitter
mumble on Twitter
After 3 months of not posting anything (and constantly crying about it) I have managed to finish my Unnamed Photographer/Zhu Yilong/Bai Yu fic in time for Christmas, as a little present to myself and also @lunarriviera, who inspired all of it.»— mumble (@6differentkinds) December 24, 2022
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mumble on Twitter
mumble on Twitter
The extended Quiet Place 'verse (and I got permission from @lunarriviera to count her series in this 😌) is now 96,044 words total, which is wild to me. First fic I wrote in this fandom, first fic since 2011, first fic over 10k, and now here we are. 🥹— mumble (@6differentkinds) December 25, 2022
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mumble on Twitter
mumble on Twitter
If you like the quiet place series and/or @lunarriviera's Unnamed Photographer verse, you absolutely must read this beautiful fic by ForErusSake, which is set in both. The most amazing floaty Long-ge headspace, the softest, hottest threesome. So good!🌈— mumble (@6differentkinds) January 23, 2023
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mumble on Twitter
mumble on Twitter
The Quiet Place gained a few more fics, and I was overcome with the urge to put everything in (roughly) chronological order, so here we are. THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY. 🥹»— mumble (@6differentkinds) February 11, 2023
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