Elemental punch effect created for the game: Fallen Tear the ascension, DAN Santos
VFX - 凝冰坠雪 - Frozen Field, Reckless
Diablo IV - VFX - Flavio Villalva, Flavio Villalva
Ice Finisher Skill VFX
【VFX】寒冰, 在木星
Ice Shield Explosion, Beau Snider
【VFX】游戏特效冰封|Ice, 在木星
Halo Infinite: Cliffhanger Shaders
GranSaga - Kaito Skill VFX, SeungMin Kang
IceMoon, Junyoung Hwang
Aoe Ice Ult, Luke Kimball
Thew auf Twitter
RTVFX Frost Star, Illia Khamidulin
skill03, Mr.Wang
Lost Ark SoulMaster Skill FX, Lee Kisong
Ice magic, KirTao
Vfx works , Huian Chen
blizzard, Liu Bei
The Last of Us: Part I...snow and ice shaders