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Study 3
VFX Inspirations
Piao_3DEffect on Twitter
Visual effects for glorious Blubber Busters Game!
Michel Gagne on Twitter
Prelude To Eden (1995) - HD 1080P - Michel Gagne
RAC 2014 submit ver
BISHAMON ゲームエフェクトデザインレシピ 作例 02 thunder
BISHAMON ゲームエフェクトデザインレシピ 作例 05 lazer
Tornado Effect
300 Days Of Animation__64
300 Days Of Animation__62
Visual effects for glorious Blubber Busters Game!
Visual effects for glorious Blubber Busters Game!
Mix 22
2D Animation Lightingball Fx
2D Animation Lighting Strike FX
Mix 13
Mix 07
Mix 01
Mix 25
Energy 096 Impact Explosion Radial MIX
Explosion 014 Impact Radial MIX
Fire 088 Impact Radial MIX
Fire 068 right mix by rt fx db21r6w