Stylized Game VFX for Unity
DragonNest(2010)_Action, Seung Chan Lee
Fireball / Meteor / Flame Flying With Trail With Alpha Looping Seamlessly Stock Footage Video 467752 | Shutterstock
Riot Creative Contest 2017
VFX Reel 2014
Realtime VFX in Games - Reel 2013
2d VFX Compilation, Alex Redfish
6 - 10 years ago made a special effect, HYT -
A small flame effect, HYT -
火焰 flame, HYT -
FX 火人, HYT -
Volumetric Smoke and Fire with vorticity (Unity Shader), Ivan Grudinin
Pixel art 1
Mark Eaton \ VFX 2013
Natanel Apfel - VFX Show Reel 2017
RTFX reel
Study 3
Piao_3DEffect on Twitter
Visual effects for glorious Blubber Busters Game!
inFAMOUS: Second Son Visual Effects
Prelude To Eden (1995) - HD 1080P - Michel Gagne
World and Science on Twitter
Forum: prevent mp4 auto-scale
Rising Thunder Trailer EVO 2015
Glassworker's torch
BISHAMON ゲームエフェクトデザインレシピ 作例 23 meteor
Tornado Effect
300 Days Of Animation__56