Tree branch falls on power lines

Sand - Create, Discover and Share GIFs on Gfycat
Grand scale Military exercise
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Beautiful Chemical Reactions
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Glassworker's torch
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The Range Rover Sport Empty Quarter Driven Challenge (Full Film) | Land Rover USA
Rising Thunder Trailer EVO 2015
World and Science on Twitter
Water thrown into lava lake creates explosive results
Prelude To Eden (1995) - HD 1080P - Michel Gagne
Michel Gagne on Twitter
inFAMOUS: Second Son Visual Effects
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Visual effects for glorious Blubber Busters Game!
Clean Cut Games on Twitter
What Happens When Lava Meets Ice?
Fireball / Meteor / Flame Flying With Trail With Alpha Looping Seamlessly Stock Footage Video 467752 | Shutterstock
Rare up close footage of Lava entering the ocean.
Blender Tutorial - Anime Style FX Workflow
Perlin Noise
Houdini Tutorial Blog