B2B Marketing News: B2B buyers use more channels, brands embrace digital personalization, and LinkedIn's new workplace representation efforts

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B2B Marketing News: B2B buyers use more channels, brands embrace digital personalization, and LinkedIn's new workplace representation efforts
B2B Marketing News: B2B buyers use more channels, brands embrace digital personalization, and LinkedIn's new workplace representation efforts
Fiddling With First-Party: B2B Firms Face Corporate And Data Integration Hurdles 41 percent of B2B brands have said they use first-party data for marketing segmentation, while 37 percent use it for sales outreach, and 36 percent for advertising and analytics נone of several findings of interest to B2B marketers contained in recently-released Dun & Bradstreet study data. MediaPostOracle to Buy Cerner in $28B Health Care Play Oracle has announced that it will acquire medical records firm Cerner for some $28.3 billion, a move that will bring a vast expansion to Oracleҳ health care segment and bolster the reach of both firms, following a similar move by Microsoft earlier this year, Oracle recently announced. CFOB2B Tech Sector Will Decline In 2022, But Rebound In 2023: Study The B2B technology category is forecast to see a two percent decrease in 2022 in the U.S., while accompanied by a three percent increase in overall sales placing the annual figure at some $106 billion, according to newly-released report data from the NPD Group. MediaPostYouTube Adds New Updates to YouTube Studio App, Bringing it More Into Line with the Desktop Version Google's YouTube has rolled out new features to its mobile YouTube Studio app, which will bring B2B marketers the ability to perform more complex community comment filtering, along with several new analytics upgrades, YouTube recently announced. Social Media TodayStudy: Brands Are Making Personalization A New Priority During 2021 some 31 percent of brands said that they were able to personalize the majority of digital interactions, a figure that was up from 10 percent in 2020 נone of several statistics of interest to online marketers in recently-released survey data. MediaPost[bctt tweet="әou can't solve personalization before you solve customer understanding.ԠנTom Treanor @RtMixMktg" username="toprank"]PR Pros to Turn More to Social Engagement to Measure Efforts 60 percent of communications professionals have said that they plan to use social media engagement as a public relations (PR) metric in 2022, with 28 percent noting that they expect to report on consumer sentiment, according to newly-released survey data. MarketingChartsMeta Unveils Future Ad Manager Updates Focusing On Outcomes Facebook parent firm Meta has launched a new Outcome-Driven Ad Experiences (ODAX) feature, offering advertisers six primary objectives including awareness, traffic, engagement, app promotion, leads, and sales, in a program that could make its way to Facebook and Instagram in time, Meta recently announced. MediaPostLinkedIn Launches New Campaign to Highlight the Importance of Representation in the Workplace Microsoft-owned LinkedIn (client) has rolled out a new campaign focusing on efforts that highlight how professionals are shifting to expressing more of their authentic selves in todayҳ new hybrid and remote workplace environments, LinkedIn recently announced. Social Media TodayBrands That Make Life Simpler Score With Global Consumers 76 percent of global consumers have said that theyҲe more likely to recommend brands that deliver simple experiences, up from some 64 percent in 2018, according to newly-released survey data of interest to digital marketers. MediaPostB2B buyers and sellers put digital commerce on a faster track Itҳ not unusual for B2B customers to use 10 or more channels for interactions with suppliers, up from just five in 2016, while some two-thirds of B2B buyers are choosing either remote human interactions or digital self-service methods נtwo of numerous findings of interest to marketers contained in newly-released survey data of U.S. B2B decision makers. Digital Commerce 360ON THE LIGHTER SIDE:A lighthearted look at the Ӥefinition of insanityԠby Marketoonist Tom Fishburne נMarketoonistUgly Sweater Party Winner DidnҴ Realize That Was The Theme נThe Hard TimesTOPRANK MARKETING & CLIENTS IN THE NEWS:Lee Odden נOptimize for Search and for Trust [Video] נOracle CXLee Odden נThe Age of Authenticity נArshiya KapadiaLee Odden נAsk the Experts: Trends to Grow Your Business [Podcast] נPam DidnerLee Odden נ12 Social Media Marketing Experts Share Their Best Advice נCocoFaxTopRank Marketing נHow To Value Your Working Experience As A Freelance Event Planner נEvent Planner NewsHave you come across your own favorite B2B marketing news for the week? Please drop us a line in the comments below.Thank you for taking the time to join us for this week's TopRank Marketing B2B marketing news, and we hope you'll come back again next Friday for another selection of the most relevant B2B and digital marketing industry news. In the meantime, you can follow us on our LinkedIn page, or at @toprank on Twitter for even more timely daily news.The post B2B Marketing News: B2B Buyers Using More Channels, Brands Embrace Digital Personalization, & LinkedInҳ New Workplace Representation Efforts appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog - TopRank
B2B Marketing News: B2B buyers use more channels, brands embrace digital personalization, and LinkedIn's new workplace representation efforts