Digital Skills & Spaces

Digital Skills & Spaces

ANNA – Das vernetzte Leben | ANNA – Das vernetzte Leben
ANNA – Das vernetzte Leben | ANNA – Das vernetzte Leben
Künstliche Intelligenz, Algorithmen, Big Data und weitere digitale Technologien prägen zunehmend unseren Alltag. Doch was bedeutet das für die Einzelne oder den Einzelnen? ANNA – Das vernetzte Leben bietet unterhaltsame sowie informative Inhalte, die dieser Frage anhand von Themen wie Wohnen, Einkaufen oder Gesundheit nachgehen.
ANNA – Das vernetzte Leben | ANNA – Das vernetzte Leben
Home - Learning Experience Design
Home - Learning Experience Design
Save the date! Join us! Join one of the main LXD events we organise. There are international conferences, local meetups and different trainings. Request a custom training Training & courses LXD Online Course Online event June 15 – July 10 Details & Tickets Events Next Learning ‘s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands September 15 Details & Tickets About This website is dedicated ...
Home - Learning Experience Design
#digital |
#digital |
Das vielfältige Angebot der ZHdK umfasst die Bereiche Design, Film, Kunst, Medien, Musik, Tanz, Theater, Art Education und Transdisziplinarität.
#digital |
Witzig - Innovation through Ideation Spaces
Witzig - Innovation through Ideation Spaces
Ideation Spaces: Inspirierende Orte, um fernab des Arbeitsalltags der Kreativität freien Lauf zu lassen und dadurch Ideen die Chance zu geben.
Witzig - Innovation through Ideation Spaces
Behavior settings
Behavior settings
Behavior settings are theorized entities that help explain the relationship between individuals and the environment - particularly the social environment. This topic is typically indexed under the lar…
Behavior settings
Spark Labs
Spark Labs
Our mission is to help the innovators of today and tomorrow solve real-world problems. We follow a human-centered approach to identify, define and address innovation challenges. We use han…
Spark Labs
Digital Toolbox | Meeting #1 | Tasks
Digital Toolbox | Meeting #1 | Tasks
Digital Toolbox Short inputs on points we discussed at the Meeting #1, 8.2.2019 Goal: -develop a common understanding of what the toolbox should be - - #1 Where do we see a potential in developing a c…
Digital Toolbox | Meeting #1 | Tasks