Economic Systems
World Population | An Interactive Experience - World Population
Our population is expected to grow to over 9 billion by 2050, yet the ability of our environment to provide space, food, and energy are limited. Explore population growth from 1 CE to 2050, see how our numbers impact the environment, and learn about the key advances and events allowing our numbers to grow.
Maduro goes after X and WhatsApp as pressure mounts to back up his claim to victory in Venezuela
President Nicolás Maduro ordered a 10-day block on access to X in Venezuela, accusing Elon Musk of using the social network to promote hatred after the country’s disputed presidential election.
Does ‘Science’ Prove Mises Wrong on Socialism? - FEE
Most Americans have been taught their whole lives that the USSR was hell on earth, but how are they to react when they’re given sources that say things like how CIA data shows that Soviet citizens lived better lives than Americans or that the Soviet Union abolished homelessness? These claims are obviously false, but skeptics of capitalism and America writ large find them enticing.
The XYZ’s of Socialism
Preface When a socialist says he wants to give you “the ABC’s of socialism,” you can be sure that’s as far into the alphabet as he’ll want to go. Happy talk, vague promises, political programs, perhaps an angry, envy-soaked tirade or two against the rich—but not much at all about where all that leads. That […]
The Building Blocks of Progress
The world today isn’t perfect, but we’ve come a long way in the last 200 years. It didn’t happen by chance. The Building Blocks of Prosperity examines the role governments and individuals have played in delivering this prosperity and asks what must be done to ensure even more progress in the future.