

EconExtra: Will Crypto Crash and Burn? - Blog
EconExtra: Will Crypto Crash and Burn? - Blog
EconExtra is a series of posts that go beyond the textbook, relating current events and recent developments in economics to content standards, and providing resource suggestions to help you incorporate the current events into your lessons. This post could be tied into any discussion of what constitutes money.    Headlines In its relatively short lifespan, cryptocurrency has already seen several dramatic booms and busts. Why does the crash last week feel a bit different?
EconExtra: Will Crypto Crash and Burn? - Blog
Job Jungle- Labor Market Activity
Job Jungle- Labor Market Activity
This is a great activity created by The Foundation for Teaching Economics (FTE). To get more information about the activity and to download the worksheets pl...
Job Jungle- Labor Market Activity
The world's cooking-oil supply is facing an unprecedented shortage as the Ukraine war cuts off a crucial supplier. Here's how 6 countries are handling the strain.
The world's cooking-oil supply is facing an unprecedented shortage as the Ukraine war cuts off a crucial supplier. Here's how 6 countries are handling the strain.
Russia and Ukraine export most of the world's sunflower oil. The war has disrupted the cooking-oil supply around the world, leading to higher prices.
The world's cooking-oil supply is facing an unprecedented shortage as the Ukraine war cuts off a crucial supplier. Here's how 6 countries are handling the strain.
AL 0 Tim Kaiser, Annamaria Lusardi, Lukas Menkhoff, and Carly Urban Financial Education Affects Financial Knowledge and Downstream Behaviors effect of financial May 12, 2022