Americans think California and Florida-style stimulus checks and Biden's student-debt relief make inflation worse — but they want them anyway
Even though they worry government spending is a main cause of inflation, Americans want the stimulus checks that over 15 states have adopted.
Suspending the gas tax isn't the right response
Lawmakers in both Maryland and Georgia have officially suspended the state gas tax in an effort to help drivers over the coming weeks. Politicians have chosen a politically popular policy rather than addressing a more serious underlying issue.
Paid leave, immigration, tax changes added to Biden bill
WASHINGTON (AP) — House Democrats added a new paid family leave program, immigrant work permits and a state-and-local tax break to President Joe Biden’s $1.75 trillion social services and environmental bill Wednesday, reviving key priorities in the rush to finish up and start voting after dismal overnight election results.
White House, Dems hurriedly reworking $2 trillion Biden plan
WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House and Democrats are hurriedly reworking key aspects of President Joe Biden’s $2 trillion domestic policy plan, trimming the social services and climate change programs and rethinking new taxes on corporations and the wealthy to pay for a scaled-back package.
Sales tax holidays 2021 can help families prepare for return to classrooms
It's mid-July, a particularly important date this year for parents. No, I'm not talking about the Advance Child Tax Credit payments that started going out today. I'm talking about the imminent arrival of the 2021-22 school year. With the COVID-19 pandemic somewhat under control — Be gone, Delta variant and everyone please get vaccinated! — schools across the country will be opening this year. Yes, that sound you hear over the internet is millions of parents celebrating. Tax holidays, too: That other sound you hear is taxpayers, both parents and child-free, celebrating, too, because the annual back-to-school tax holidays also...
Is the Michigan vaccine lottery working? Depends how you define success. | Bridge Michigan
Since Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced a $5 million lottery pool for those getting the COVID-19 vaccine, she’s touted that 1 million have signed up for the lottery — but the state cannot say if it’s luring more people to the shots. Several local health officials say it hasn’t.