
Intro to economics: Incentives 1 - Google Docs
Intro to economics: Incentives 1 - Google Docs
Current Topic: Incentives Previous Topics Connected: None Future Topics Foreshadowed: Demand, Taxes News Article/Podcast: Are Plastic Bag Bans Garbage? Link: Description: In an effort to cut down on waste, many...
Intro to economics: Incentives 1 - Google Docs
Save Lives, Sell Organs - Stossel in the Classroom
Save Lives, Sell Organs - Stossel in the Classroom
VIDEO DESCRIPTION Allowing organ sales would save lives, but critics say it would hurt the poor. Download Teacher's Guide Download Video (.mp4 FILE) To download this video or the Teacher's Guide that goes along with it, please login. If you don't have an account, register now for ...
Save Lives, Sell Organs - Stossel in the Classroom
It's time for smarter incentives in Michigan
It's time for smarter incentives in Michigan
"This is just one tool in the toolbox." This is the go-to refrain you'll hear from business groups, lobbyists, and legislators alike when it comes to tax incentive programs like Good Jobs for Michigan, which is set to expire on Dec. 31 if the legislature doesn't vote to either extend or…
It's time for smarter incentives in Michigan
Rob Cleveland: Give Michigan college graduates a ‘HUGE' tax incentive
Rob Cleveland: Give Michigan college graduates a ‘HUGE' tax incentive
It's remarkable how economic development, and the process of locating a new facility, has changed in the last decade. Just 10 years ago, with a national unemployment rate of 10 percent, companies had little problem finding available employees, and most site location decisions were based on…
Rob Cleveland: Give Michigan college graduates a ‘HUGE' tax incentive
Don’t Reward A While Hoping for B
Don’t Reward A While Hoping for B
We do what we are rewarded for doing. We are strongly motivated by the desire to maximize the positive consequences of our actions and minimize the negative consequences. Academics identify these a…
Don’t Reward A While Hoping for B
Tax incentives for FCA plants in Southeast Michigan may top $400 million
Tax incentives for FCA plants in Southeast Michigan may top $400 million
The tax incentive package for Fiat Chrysler Automobiles' $1.6 billion conversion of two Detroit engine plants into a new Jeep assembly plant and other investments in Southeast Michigan could top $400 million after additional tax increment financing measures are tacked onto the deal.The Michigan…
Tax incentives for FCA plants in Southeast Michigan may top $400 million
Get $15,000 to move to Michigan and work remotely
Get $15,000 to move to Michigan and work remotely
Capitalizing on 2020’s explosion in work-from-home arrangements, a Michigan economic development group is rolling out a package of incentives — including $15,000 cash, driving range memberships and free passes on commuter rail — for Chicagoans who move to its slice of southwest Michigan. The…
Get $15,000 to move to Michigan and work remotely