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Globalization - Definition from KWHS
Globalization - Definition from KWHS
Globalization is a worldwide process in which individuals have more and more interactions with people in other countries through trade, investment, and culture.
Globalization - Definition from KWHS
Episode 524: Mr Jones' Act : Planet Money : NPR
Episode 524: Mr Jones' Act : Planet Money : NPR
The government suspended the Jones Act last week, to allow non-US ships to move fuel to victims of hurricanes in Houston and Florida. Which once again made us wonder why the act even exists.
Episode 524: Mr Jones' Act : Planet Money : NPR
Trade & Specialization – News Article Worksheet - Google Docs
Trade & Specialization – News Article Worksheet - Google Docs
Current Topic: Trade & Specialization Previous Topics Connected: opportunity cost Future Topics Foreshadowed: economic growth, savings and investment News Article: “Commentary: Tariffs aim at reducing big deficit with China” Article Link: Description: A commentator fo...
Trade & Specialization – News Article Worksheet - Google Docs
A.J. Jacobs: My journey to thank all the people responsible for my morning coffee | TED Talk
A.J. Jacobs: My journey to thank all the people responsible for my morning coffee | TED Talk
Author A.J. Jacobs embarked on a quest with a deceptively simple idea at its heart: to personally thank every person who helped make his morning cup of coffee. More than one thousand "thank yous" later, Jacobs reflects on the globe-trotting journey that ensued -- and shares the life-altering wisdom he picked up along the way. "I discovered that my coffee would not be possible without hundreds of people I take for granted," Jacobs says.
A.J. Jacobs: My journey to thank all the people responsible for my morning coffee | TED Talk
Watch This Giant Beast That is the Global Economy | Prime Video
Watch This Giant Beast That is the Global Economy | Prime Video
This docuseries brings the smart, stylized storytelling of Adam McKay’s The Big Short to a quirky and compelling exploration of the global economy. In each episode, host Kal Penn -- with the help of some celebrity friends -- answers a burning question like: How can I launder a bag of dirty cash? How scared should I be of a rubber apocalypse? And is it easier for dicks to get rich?
Watch This Giant Beast That is the Global Economy | Prime Video
Michigan cherry farmers seek tariffs on Turkey imports to stay afloat
Michigan cherry farmers seek tariffs on Turkey imports to stay afloat
Cheap cherry imports from Turkey are threatening farmers in Michigan, who produce two-thirds of the country's tart cherry supply.Falling profits over the past few years prompted the industry to turn to the U.S. government for help by imposing tariffs on imports, the Wall Street Journal reported…
Michigan cherry farmers seek tariffs on Turkey imports to stay afloat
Whitmer directive favors Michigan companies for state contracts, boosts labor, environmental standards
Whitmer directive favors Michigan companies for state contracts, boosts labor, environmental standards
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed an executive directive Monday that makes the state take into account how a company pays and treats employees, and environmental track record when choosing contractors. Under the Michigan Jobs First order, Whitmer wants to ensure the state is giving Michigan…
Whitmer directive favors Michigan companies for state contracts, boosts labor, environmental standards
U.S. to roll out $16 billion in farm aid for China trade war
U.S. to roll out $16 billion in farm aid for China trade war
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is preparing to roll out another $16 billion in aid to farmers hurt by the Trump administration's trade war with China, with payments to begin next month.The second round of tariff-aid payments will give time for President Donald Trump to strike trade deals,…
U.S. to roll out $16 billion in farm aid for China trade war
Dustin Walsh: Time to move on from hard lesson of tariffs
Dustin Walsh: Time to move on from hard lesson of tariffs
President Donald Trump has used tariffs as a means to an end for the past three-plus years.The Trump administration sought to level the economic playing field and usher in new trade deals with perceived adversaries, mainly China and Mexico.But the automotive industry has struggled under the trade…
Dustin Walsh: Time to move on from hard lesson of tariffs
China Trade War Didn’t Boost U.S. Manufacturing Might - WSJ
China Trade War Didn’t Boost U.S. Manufacturing Might - WSJ
Hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs on Chinese goods imposed by the Trump administration didn’t achieve the central objective of reversing a U.S. decline in manufacturing, economic data shows.
China Trade War Didn’t Boost U.S. Manufacturing Might - WSJ
Feast or famine: Federal farm payments yield uneven rewards — but for how long?
Feast or famine: Federal farm payments yield uneven rewards — but for how long?
Matt Stutzman planted 700 acres of winter wheat in recent weeks across his family farm as usual. The 2,000 acres of clay loam soil see a mix of soybeans, corn and winter wheat as reliably as the sun rises and sets on Stutzman Farms Inc. in and around the village of Blissfield in Lenawee County.The…
Feast or famine: Federal farm payments yield uneven rewards — but for how long?