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Ticketing Power Takes Center Stage
Ticketing Power Takes Center Stage
A lot of people are talking about Ticketmaster recently, but their market power on buying and selling ticket will likely result in some talks at the Department of Justice as well.
Ticketing Power Takes Center Stage
The Simpsons — Opportunity Cost of Lines
The Simpsons — Opportunity Cost of Lines
If you’re teaching opportunity cost, this is a great clip to show the value of time. Homer waits in line 8 days to grab a coveted ticket to an event. A passerby accurately notes that the Home…
The Simpsons — Opportunity Cost of Lines
It Shouldn't Be This Hard To Buy Concert Tickets | Defector
It Shouldn't Be This Hard To Buy Concert Tickets | Defector
We have been boxed into this terrible future where the only way to consume live music from popular artists is to pay an inefficient, barely functioning middle man, and say thank you.
It Shouldn't Be This Hard To Buy Concert Tickets | Defector
Has the encore left the building?
Has the encore left the building?
Once a given in live concerts, the encore is now seen by some as a showbiz artifact rather than an authentic exchange between performer and audience.
Has the encore left the building?
The evolution of popular music: USA 1960–2010 | Royal Society Open Science
The evolution of popular music: USA 1960–2010 | Royal Society Open Science
In modern societies, cultural change seems ceaseless. The flux of fashion is especially obvious for popular music. While much has been written about the origin and evolution of pop, most claims about its history are anecdotal rather than scientific in ...
The evolution of popular music: USA 1960–2010 | Royal Society Open Science
SongVest | Invest in Music Royalties
SongVest | Invest in Music Royalties
Songvest is the online marketplace to buy and sell music royalties. Learn more about music financing and these alternative investments.
SongVest | Invest in Music Royalties