Personal Finance

Are you ready to teach taxes? - Blog
Are you ready to teach taxes? - Blog
Tax season is here! Whether you're seeking a quick overview of the essentials, a deep dive into the details, or an exploration of engaging activities for your students, we've got you covered!    Want to review the essentials?  NGPF's new Starter Pack On-Demand modules do just that!  The Role of Taxes reviews the elements of your paystub and an overview of where your tax dollars go. The Tax Forms & Filing module covers key dates, tax forms, and methods in filing your taxes. Both modules are filled with fundamental tax content.
Are you ready to teach taxes? - Blog
The Most and Least Expensive American Neighborhoods - Vivid Maps
The Most and Least Expensive American Neighborhoods - Vivid Maps
Predominantly, the top 20 most expensive neighborhoods in the country are located in California, Florida, and New York. In stark contrast, Homewood North in Pennsylvania secures the position of the least expensive neighborhood, where the average property is priced at $29 per square foot.
The Most and Least Expensive American Neighborhoods - Vivid Maps
America's Rental Housing 2024
America's Rental Housing 2024
Climbing rents in recent years propelled US cost burdens to staggering new heights: in 2022, half of all US renters were cost burdened. This all-time
America's Rental Housing 2024
PSEO Explorer - Census Bureau
PSEO Explorer - Census Bureau
Post-Secondary Employment Outcomes (PSEO) Explorer: Earnings and employment outcomes for college and university graduates
PSEO Explorer - Census Bureau
NGPF Resources Explaining 2023’s Most Googled Personal Finance Terms - Blog
NGPF Resources Explaining 2023’s Most Googled Personal Finance Terms - Blog
Google recently released a list of 2023's most searched terms, providing insights into what people are most curious or unsure about. Finance Buzz sifted the list for the personal finance-related terms. We’ve provided NGPF resources to help explain each one so you can dive deeper with your students.    1. W9 Form The W-9 is an IRS form for employers or other entities to verify the name, address, and tax identification number of a person receiving income.
NGPF Resources Explaining 2023’s Most Googled Personal Finance Terms - Blog
CashCourse | Your Real-Life Money Guide
CashCourse | Your Real-Life Money Guide
CashCourse® is a free, online noncommercial financial literacy resource for colleges and universities, created by the nonprofit National Endowment for Financial Education®. The program provides customizable, interactive personal finance tools used at more than 750 colleges and universities across the country.
CashCourse | Your Real-Life Money Guide
Cashy - teach personal finance with a fun game
Cashy - teach personal finance with a fun game
Cashy is a game that allows you to teach budgeting, investing, work-life balance, and more. It's free and takes seconds to set up. Try it!
Cashy - teach personal finance with a fun game
About Us
About Us
We're on a mission to make every family in America financially healthy and all-around happy. We help families to do money right by giving every member of the family an account that lets them save for their goals, spend money reponsibly, learn financial literacy, and transfer money between family members and friends real-time.
About Us