Robots and happy workers: Productivity surge helps explain US economy’s surprising resilience
The result has been an unexpected productivity boom, which helps explain a great economic mystery: How has the world’s largest economy managed to remain so healthy, with brisk growth and low unempl…
Wearing an eye mask while sleeping improves memory encoding and makes you more alert the next day
A recent study published in the journal Sleep suggests that the simple act of wearing an eye mask to block out light while sleeping can improve cognitive function the next day. In two experiments, the researchers found that participants who slept with an eye mask showed enhanced episodic memory encoding and alertness the following day. ...
U.S. workers have gotten way less productive. No one is sure why.
The productivity plunge is perplexing, because productivity took off to levels not seen in decades when the pandemic forced the switch to remote work. But that growth spurt was short-lived, even as companies shifted to hybrid models, in part because employees argued that the flexibility helped them work more efficiently.
The Productivity–Pay Gap
The huge gap between rising incomes at the top and stagnating pay for the rest of us shows that workers are no longer benefiting from their rising productivity. Before 1979, worker pay and productivity grew in tandem. But since 1979, productivity has grown eight times faster than typical worker pay (hourly compensation of production/nonsupervisory workers).
Productivity Is Offseting Wage Gains - The Big Picture
50 Years of Productivity Gains To hear an audio spoken word version of this post, click here. There has been lots of ink spilled on the dangers of rising wages as a source of inflation. The problem with focusing on input costs is that it is incomplete. To fully understand the wage and labor…Read More