Photos: How a resurgence in skating has rolled out across metro Detroit
It's not your imagination: Everyone is suddenly skating. As COVID-19 public health measures restricted indoor activities, outdoor recreation flourished, and people explored new ways of safely getting beyond their four walls and moving their bodies for physical and mental wellness.
Seems skating has gotten an extra boost, too, from TikTok and Instagram, where reels of neat tricks set to peppy music have inspired people to lace up some skates for the first time — or for the first time in a while. (That is, if they can find a pair: The Wall Street Journal reported in March that the roller skate supply chain is one of many that's been kinked up by a surge in demand.)
Local skate parks, which have proliferated in recent years, have been bustling. We sent photographer Nic Antaya to some area skating hot spots to capture the view of the world on four wheels. It's a study of motion, merriment and crowds in public spaces again, in the best way.
This story is part of a special report on Michigan's outdoor economy.
— Amy Elliott Bragg